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Sophie POV:

Waking up today seemed harder then usual. Not sure why. I didn't work after the ball. I didn't do anything. But then I remember that I did do something. I ran into Edward.

*flashback to last night*
After I left the ballroom I decided to take the long way, hoping I won't run into anyone. Once again I was wrong. I'm walking and not paying attention when someone stops in front of me. All I see at first are their shoes then I look up to see the most beautiful deep blue eyes. Edward. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the ball with your family?" He just looks at me, I don't even know why. He made it clear that he didn't want what comes with me. "Well yeah i did need to be with my family, but then I went looking for the restroom and then I saw a cat so I decided playing with a cat would be more fun" he looks so shy at playing with the stray cat that comes in all the time. The maids don't like him but I've gotten used to him. "That would be sir Henry" I start smiling

-end flashback-
I get out of the past when someone knocks on my door, I put on my robe and walk to open it when Tessa burst in. Apparently two knocks are the magic password for come in. "Good morning Tessa" even though I'm half asleep I still smile at my best friend I can't help it. She makes me smile. "Guess what!! OMG! You can't even guess I know! So Caden asked me out! Like an actual date!! I'm so excited!" She rambled all of that at the speed of light. I only catch guess what and date. I put the pieces together. "I'm so happy for you Tessa! When is it? And please let me help you get ready!" "Well of course your going to help. I need your closet!" She's just so excited so was already to my closet. I shake my head and help her.

After an hour with Tessa her date,my cousin, came and got her and I left for breakfast with my suitors. Yay me, note sarcasm.
The first thing I see is Jayden, he's standing up not sure what to do or where to sit. I guess I should have man a seating arrangement but Richmond and Leon seemed to find a seat just fine. I walk up to him and pay his shoulder "Good morning Jayden" he jumps and it makes me laugh so hard! "I'm so sorry princess, I didn't know where to sit and Richmond and Leon seemed fine to sit by the Queen and King but I wanted to sit with you so I just waited. Should I have sat down?" He's so cute when he rambles reminds me of a child. I smile at him and lead him to a seat near me. "Thank you for waiting Jayden, good morning Richmond and Leon" I say hi to them even though they didn't notice me walk in. "Good morning princess I hope you slept well" Richmond seemed really nice, very polite but what did you expect of a duke. I've never met his family but my dad says good things about them. "Good morning Princess, the palace is amazing!" Leon was the only one to acknowledge my home. Not sure what that made me feel but it wasn't bad. I helped decorate it after all.
After everyone ate I asked the boys to stay a while. My parents kissed my head and walked away to their room. "Firstly id like to say hello! And welcome to my home. I know this may seem backwards but I need a husband in the coming months and I chose you three because I believe one of you three will be my match." As is a match I can't help but think of Edward and how when I said i felt faintish he got really concerned and asked to walk me to my room. Made me smile. I bet the boys thought it was for them. " every morning I would like y'all to meet me here around 10, from there I'll hang out with you all individually and if something isn't right or no matches are made then within the next few days one of you will no longer be a suitor. Sounds good?" I look hopeful. Not sure why. Maybe wanted to see their facial expressions. Leon looked shocked but not in a bad way maybe a fast pace way. Richmond looked pleased with himself as if he was the king already. And Jayden just looked normal. Happy even. I wondered why. "So for the next few hours I'd like to get to know you, so if Richmond I will see you in an hour and Leon an hour after. If you want you can walk around the castle or leave and come back?" They looked shocked. Richmond for not being first I presume. Leon because, well not sure. And Jayden because I'm assume it's because I choose him to stay. Made me giggle.

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