Royal ball part two

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Edward POV:

A few hours ago:
"Mother why do I have to go?" I groan because I could care less about becoming the next king. I'm only 23 I wanted to travel and see the world then settle down. Not marry a princess that's new to the land. "Because we were ALL invited! So you'll get dressed and come with us. Now hurry son!" My mother means well but I don't want to go. And technically I don't have to but I love my mother so I go get changed. "Why don't you want to go brother?" My little sister Kaylee asks me in her cute way. She's only 12 but she acts 20. Shame because she needs to stay a child. Too cute for her own good. "Because I don't want to dance munchkin. I want to stay and play with you!" She smiles at the last part but frowns at my nickname. She thinks she too old for kid nicknames. "I'm not a munchkin. But you'll get to mess the princess and queen. Won't that be exciting!!" She's so excited but I only see the monarchs. They killed my father. Whether they knew it or not. He was apart of the "rebel" group. He only wanted the best for us. I didn't see the idealism. I still don't but they still killed my father. And now my mother raised 6 children by herself. There's Charles the oldest he's 36 with his own children. Then Andrew being 33 he's single to this day but he enjoys it. Joe came next at 28 he's in school now but he hopes to become the next king. Don't know why. Then me, at 22 there was a big gap, was an accident but a happy one. I want to travel and see the world. Maybe even learn magic. But only the royals have true power. Then there's the twins Kaylee and Layla their both 12 but with totally different personalities. Kaylee wants to be more grown and is into makeup and growing up while Layla wants to play outside and hang out with her big brothers. With so many children my mother only want the best so I tend to do as she asks. "Edward! Hurry up we're leaving in 10 minutes!" My mother yells like I'm across the country not the house. It only makes me laugh. "Okay munchkin its time I leave. So I'll see you when I get home ok? Go play with Layla." "I don't want to play! I want to go to the ball with you guys" she pouts and it's too cute that I think why not but only adults are aloud this time. "Sorry Kaylee not this time"
When I get to the ball my mother is so excited she forgets why we're here. To be sold off... just joking. But on a serious note someone will be king. I doubt anyone would say no is the princess chooses you. I might. Not sure. My brothers walk away as my mother finds her friends.
"Now announcing King Will and Queen Annabelle"
I look up and see the king and queen. They look happy. I do want that one day. To be blissfully happy. They don't look bad either for being their age. I bow when everyone else does.
"Now announcing Princess Sophie"
As I get up I see Princess Sophie. And she is beautiful. I've seen her a few times in parades and announcements and the such but I never pay attention. But now I see her up close and wow. The dress fits her curves perfectly. From head to toe she looks stunning. When she comes down I almost forget to bow. But when I look up I see guys everywhere trying to get a dance. I even see my brothers. It's like the spell broke because I remember I don't want that. I don't want to be paraded around or wear fancy clothing or stay somewhere when I can leave. So I do. I walk towards the balcony while evading the eyes of my mother. It's stunning I will give the royals that. The view is spectacular and the stars are even better here. I keep walking looking for constellation when I end up running into a wall. I look and see a set of stairs. I didn't see it there but that's perfect for me. I go and sit down and just breath. I don't see how they do this. It's been twenty minutes for me and I'm already tired.

Hours go by and I'm fine with that. I'm just looking at the sky and thinking of all the places I could go when someone clears their throats. It started me so I look up and see the princess. And wow does she look better this close. But I see there isn't much space so I get up to leave. "Why do you keep me company Mr.." I see she's asking for my name and I have to remember it myself. "Wright. Edwards wright actually"

An hour goes by and we couldn't stop laughing. She tells me funny stories of her friends from her old home. I forgot she lived beyond these borders and for a moment I envy her. "So your friend Tessa just decided to run towards the ice cream truck and it stops and she manages to land on dog shit." Just saying it makes me cringe and laugh. "Yeah exactly. She really wanted ice cream. She just didn't see the dog poop and expect the truck to actually stop" she's bending over laughing now. And I can't help but just admire her. She's funny and down to earth and is so beautiful. Her laugh is so enchanting.

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