Revenge pt 2

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Jayden POV:

I actually found them! Weird that they live on the outskirts of town though. I thought it would be in the woods or by the sea. But no. Only 40 minutes from the castle and about 20 minutes from my house. When I walked into their hideout, some shady biker lookin bar, the windows are painted so no one can look in. And inside is even shadier. "Who are you and what do you want?" The bartender asks this question. But everyone looks at me, if I didn't have an ace up my sleeve I don't think I'd make it out of here. Everyone looks to be on steroids. Muscle on top of muscle. A few women here and there but mostly men. "I want to talk to your boss.. rebels" at that last word everyone stands up. Most point guns at me. And other point knives. I expected as much but it still scared the life out of me. I'm shaking while holding up Theo Wright's journals and maps of this place. "I want to give the rrr-ebels something youvee been looking for..." I'm starting to tremble and stutter but I get out my message in time for a knife to go flying past my head. "Let the boy speak!" I didn't even see this man. He came out of an office in the back and beckons me toward him. Everyone else put their weapons down but their still standing. Waiting. "What's your name boy, and what can we do for you." He's quite intimidating. I'm 6 food but he seems to be 6'7 at least. With dark brown piercing eyes. "I want you to get the princess for me... in exchanges I'll get you into the castle" I never knew what they wanted with the royals but surely that seemed like a good trade. Right? His face went from blank to happiness. "You want the princess? Your that Jayden kid. Aren't you supposed to be a suitor? Or did she get bored of you kid." He starts laughing and it only makes me mad. "No she did not get bored of me! She likes me!! It's my best friend who's got in the way! But if I take her away from here then he won't be a problem and she'll only want me!" I start yelling this at the man. I know stupid right? Yell at the man with man power backing him up. But I didn't care. How dare he say she got bored of me! He breaks out in a grin that rivals the villain from my childhood stories. "Looks like we got a deal kid!" He starts cheering and patting my back. It hurts only slightly but I can't show that kind of weakness. If I want her I need their help.

Edwards POV:

I can't let him get to the rebels. I don't know why he wants them. For what purpose?? Does he not know that the rebels only want death and mayhem? Before I go to the outskirts I may need backup so I go to the castle. I manage to get in and see the princess. I start knocking. And knocking. I was about to know again when the king opens the door. I thought this was the princess' office I guess not. But he's good too. I walk in to see the princess in her chair. She looks up and smiles at me. God did her beauty do something to me. Her smile stops me in place and her eyes locks me in. She seems to be busy but this can't wait. It takes time but I manage to look away and sit down. "I need to tell you both something." I say it as if I had no air left in my body. But they see I'm serious so they both nod their head for me to continue. "When I was younger my father was a general for the rebels and he was killed, some years later I was still mad at you all for killing him. I didn't know why he died. My mother didn't tell me. That was until the rebels contacted me. They wanted me to join and help bring the royals down. I didn't want to do it. I was angry yes but what they wanted was death. Death to everyone. The king the queen and their daughter. Although you and your mother weren't here yet. They figured you would come home on your 18th birthday. They weren't wrong. But I realized what they wanted and I told them no. I couldn't join them. I wouldn't. I can't be apart of something that only destroys." I run out of air and both the King and Sophie looks distraught. I can't blame them. I haven't told anyone this. Not even Jayden. "Why didn't you tell me this Edward? You know what never mind. Why are you telling us this now? Why run into the castle?" She seems annoyed now but mostly because I didn't tell her. I feel guilty for not saying anything but at the time it didn't seem right. "It wasn't the right time to say this. Plus I didn't see the point. But I do now. I don't know why or how but Jayden got ahold of my fathers old rebel things." The king is now standing up, he's angry. Really angry. "What do you mean his old rebel things!!! I took all of that away!" I see mother was right when she said she didn't know about these things my father hid. "My father hid these things away, I'm guessing in case he dies and someone came looking for some things, but that isn't important. Jayden has gone to the rebels and I know it won't end well. We need to go before he does something stupid." At that the king nods and goes outside. I hear him yelling for Commander Trent and Jason. I hear they are the best at what they do. "Why didn't you say anything Edward?" She looks so sad that I didn't confide in her. I guess she would. I mean it's only been a few times we've been together but she's become the best thing to ever happen to me. Since I've met her I've been happier. I haven't even once thought of traveling. That all sounds trivial. Worthless with out her. "I'm sorry Sophie. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want it to ruin our dates and moments. But I won't keep anything else from you. Anything you want to know I'll tell you I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to keep it from you but you've become so important to me that I didn't want you to think badly of me" she stands up so quickly that I think she's going to slap me or something. Maybe walk out? I hat I didn't expect was for her to jump on my lap and kiss me. Never once have I felt so deeply satisfied with just kissing. I pull her closer. So close that I can feel everything, i can smell her hair and her body. She smells like roses. It's become my favorite smell. I pull away from her embrace and see her cheeks are red. "I like this look on you." I smile and she hides her face. Which only makes me laugh. For a moment I forgot why I was here. "I love you Sophie. If anything happens today. I want you to know I love you." She looks so shocked but then smiles and kisses me some more. "I love you too!" Her words have made me the happiest I've ever been.

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