Date day!

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Sophie POV:

Today I'm going into town to see Jayden's family business. I'm up and ready before he gets here so I wait in-front of the door with my guard Gerard. "Hay Gerard. How did you meet your partner?" Him and his wife have been together for now 5 years. Married for 3. He's my favorite guard. He actually talks to me. Not just grunts and nods. "I met Monica when I went to town one day. I was with your father at the time and he wanted some things for your room so we went from store to store where I met her. She was the interior designer for your room actually. Your dad asked me to watch over the room production make sure it was ready for you. He had been expecting you two years prior to you actually coming. But while I watched I fell. And one day I asked her out and the rest is history as you like to say." I love hearing people's love story. So inspirational. While mine is so sad and cliché for a royal. He just smiles thinking about his wife. I was about to ask another question when Jayden walks up to me. "Hay Jayden!" I start waving and yelling while walking towards him. It's only when I see someone behind him that my smile falters and my steps stop. "Hey princess good morning! I'm sorry but I brought my best friend with me. Edwards meet Princess Sophie and Princess Sophie. Meet Edwards." Just being here is awkward and has put a damper on my moon. Gerard can tell because he starts asking them questions and moving up towards the car. All I did was wave to them and walk to the car. Almost like a robot. The entire car ride into town was fine if you didn't count two of the people not even looking at each other fine. Jayden must not have noticed because his mood just kept getting higher. "My mother is so excited to see you Princess! She's cleared her schedule for the next few hours to make a whole outfit for you!" Oh wow that's crazy! "Thank you so much! But she doesn't have to do that for me. One dress or shirt would be just fine" I don't want to put them out of money for the day so I try to change his mind sadly I couldn't. So we made it to his shop and I see the women who obviously is Jayden's mother. They both have light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Their smile is even the same but he seems to have gotten his dads height at 6 foot while his mom seems around 5'3 maybe? "Good afternoon Mrs.Bravo, I absolutely love your shop. I have a friend who comes in here every time she is in the country." I didn't realize this was Tessa favorite store until I saw one of the tags on a model. She always did find great clothes here. I'm actually very excited now. I know I have my own people but this women is better then mine so why not get an outfit? "So tell me Princess what outfit would you like? Maybe a cute skirt and top with a jacket. A light jacket maybe?" Then she starts talking to herself about colors and sizes and materials. I've never been that fashion savvy so I let her do her thing. "So Jayden do you work here with your mom?" "Yeah I do actually! I help her with the finances and Edward helps manage when he gets a change. He's good with electronics so every now and then he'll come and upgrade this and that." Wow why am I learning more about Edward? I'm not even seeing Him. Hey I find ways to walk deeper for him.

Edward POV:

When Jayden came to my door and dragged me to help his mom. I didn't think I'd be with the princess as well. Ugh why can't I get a break! When Jayden left the palace yesterday he came straight to my house. All to tell me how much fun he has with her and how she wanted to really get to know him. I like seeing him happy and being outgoing so I should be happy. But why am I so missable watching my best friend flirt with him. "What's got you so down Eddy?" I was so focused on Sophie's smile and laugh that I didn't see Mrs. Bravo walk up. "Oh it's nothing Mrs. B. I was just thinking really" as I talk to her I try to take my mind off of the princess and my best friend. "Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with the princess?" All I could do was look at her in shock. How did she realize? I didn't think I was staring at the princess that much. "Why would the princess have anything to do with me?" Mrs. B has always been like a second mom. She's been best friends with my mom since I met Jayden. So I've gotten close to his mom as well. "Sweetie I've been watching both of my boys and I can tell your completely smitten with the princess. Why don't you tell her? Or more importantly why not tell Jayden?" All I could do was sigh. I wasn't very good at lying. Well not to my family anyways. "Jayden likes her. What could I possibly say? Plus she chose her suitors. And I want to travel the world and do so much. I can't do that while being married to the princess I would have to stay here and help rule. Not that ruling is bad. It's just I've always dreamed about seeing the world. Staying in strange places then moving on. Then maybe coming back to marry." I was out of breath after saying all of that. I didn't realize I said it so fast but I'm just glad Jayden or Sophie didn't hear it. "Dear you've obviously put a lot of thought into this but tell me. Is that really what you want? You have the same look my husband has for me. The same adoration. Do you really think that in 10 years you won't regret losing her? Or the chance to be with here? Royals travel all the time. Plus Jayden may be infatuated but he doesn't love her. I've watched you boys but I also saw how she kept looking in the background. I was wondering why but now I know. She's just as infatuated with you and you are with her. Don't lose this opportunity because your scared." With that she left to tell the princess that her clothes will be ready and given to her within a week. Sophie probably has her own stylists and dressed but she still accepts Mrs. B gift and isn't a spoiled brat about it. She's so humble and down to earth that I can't help but wonder. Will I regret this? Maybe it's time to do something.

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