Moving day

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Today is the day that I leave. I've told both Brett and Tessa I was moving and let me tell you, I've never cried so much or seen so much tears but Brett decided he was coming with us. I didn't expect it and neither did my parents.

"Brett, Tessa I need to tell you something," deep breath Sophie. Deep breaths. "I'm moving this coming up Sunday. To somewhere far.." I start tearing up and so does Tessa. It doesn't end at tearing up but more like pouring water out of our eyes. Brett just looks shocked. "Say something guys.. I'm just moving you'll both be in my life." I'm hoping to say something to make it feel better. "Babe, I wanted to tell you something earlier but I guess now is fine. I'm graduating early...the principal told me that I've finished all of my core classes and I can continue with random classes next semester or graduate early. So I decided to graduate early. So I'm coming with you. I have a few weeks then I'll meet you there. Or I can complete my courses online. Either way." He was so serious that I didn't know what to say. When I got home both Tessa and Brett were there with me. My father and mother were in the kitchen talking so we decided to tell them now. "Mom, Dad, I have some news I would like to share with you all." They looked at me as to continue. "Brett has decided to come move with us. Isn't that great! And Tessa said she'll come and visit us on breaks and vacations and before college." I was so excited about having my friends move with me that I didn't expect them to say no. "No. Not happening. Not a chance." Wow did my dad know how to blow up my fantasy. "Why not! You just expect me to move but I'm 18 and you can not just say no. Brett has been 18 for months now. So he can come with us if he wants!" My mother looks at me then at my father. His rage is something I didn't expect to see but I'm not standing down. "I don't know how you were raised sadly but when I say no then that means no." My mom was shocked that he raised his voice to me I was mad. Who was he to say anything. Before I could say anything my mother said something "Will! Do not talk to her that way. I raised her to be independent. And she is an adult and so is Brett. If he wants to come then he can come." I'm so proud that she stood up for us. That tears roll down my cheek. He obviously wanted to say no but he didn't. He sighed and looked at my mother before looking at Brett and saying "okay you can come. But you will not come before her duty to the people. And do not harm my daughter" he stalked off and my mom smiled at us.
-flashback ends

I packed all of my things and and putting them on a moving truck. Don't know why we need it if we're moving across seas and oceans. But okay. When I put in my last box Brett comes up and hugs me. He's smiling and helps me move things so it fits better with his things. He decided to finish his courses online and move with us. His parents are always traveling so he said goodbye over Skype. They were happy he was happy so no tears there. "Good afternoon my love, are you ready to go? Your mother asked me if you finished packing?" I can't believe he hasn't stopped smiling. Ever since my dad agreed he hasn't stopped. It's amazing. Because I love his smile, and his smile makes me smile so my cheeks hurt by now. "Cough cough" "Tessa did you really just say cough cough? Your so weird!" I'll miss Tessa so much but we have Skype and phones for a reason. "Well I'm trying to be different thank you very much! But your leaving me. I can't believe both of you guys are leaving me" she starts tearing up but she's smiling so I'm confused. "Don't worry I'll always talk to you and Skype you and come visit and you can come visit." "I know but I'm going to miss my best friends" we're all hugging by the time she finishes her sentence and crying. Well Brett isn't, he's trying to be manly and hide his emotions. "Come on kids let's go, the sooner we leave the sooner we can go home!" "Uncle Jason are you excited? It's been a while since you've been home." He smiles so widely it's weird. He smiles yeah but never like this. Even uncle Trent is acting happier. But I guess when your going home one will be this happy.

I say my final good bye to Tessa and her parents. And we leave to the airport. I thought we were going on a regular plane. But I was wrong. We were going on this luxury plane with seats that look at each other and some person servings food and drinks. And even a bed in the back. It is an 13 hour plane ride so I used the bed like it was mine.

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