Royal ball pt 4

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Edward POV:

After she left I felt like I couldn't stay in this spot anymore. Not when I look anywhere and I feel her presence. So I have no choice but to walk back into the ball. I wish I hadn't though. I quickly find my mom and my brothers. I'm more surprised to see my best friend of 12 years Jayden. We met when my sisters were born. His mom went to birth that same day and they were in the room next to my moms. I saw him and we instantly clicked and the rest is history. "Hey man" I saw to Jayden while looking around, trying not to find her but my body doesn't understand that. Then I see the King stand up and announce his daughter Sophie.. or rather Princess Sophie. I wonder what she's doing but once again I find out too soon. I try to zone out her words and just look at her. The first time our eyes meet I have to look away, too much feelings in that stare. Jayden beside me stiffens up, once again I don't understand. I wasn't paying attention. That was till she started saying names. First was some Richmond guy then a Leon then unexpectedly my best friend gets called. I couldn't have seen my reaction but I bet it looked like I walked into my parents "fun" time. Jayden looks at me smiling and then he puts his hand up. I can't leave him hanging so I high five him. But I'm feeling numb. I talked to her for an hour and I feel like throwing up thinking about her and Jayden. Before she finishes I excuse myself to the restroom.
Never and I mean never go looking for a restroom in a vastly. Hardest thing to find. But I got lucky when someone names Suzi pointed it out for me. I walked in and saw myself. I didn't look like myself. At all. I put water on my face and try to get my head clear. I won't see her again. I won't talk to her again. It will be just like our encounter happened to someone else.
After my pep talk I walk out and almost trip on a cat. Weird I didn't know they had a cat, although I wouldn't have known. He looked friendly enough and anything to keep me away from the ballroom was good in my books so why not follow the friendly enough cat.
After about 30 minutes I lost him and seemed to run into the one person I didn't want to talk to. She looked so cute. So focused on just walking didn't even see me stop in front of her. God how her eyes did a number on me. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your family?" She asked kind of fast. Her eyes large enough for me to see the whites. She was cute when she was nervous.. wait stop Edward. Don't get sucked in. "Well I went looking for the restroom and then I was playing with a cat. So yeah" she smiles and man did I feel an entire zoo in my chest. God this is harder then it looks. "That's our stray cat, sir Henry" still smiling, still killing me slowly. "Oh well he seemed nice enough to play with so I said why not.. why aren't you in the ballroom?" I knew I shouldn't have asked but I just can't help myself with her. She was slow to answer as if she had to think of an answer. "I was feeling faint and needed my rest for tomorrow" I knew it was a lie but just thinking of her in any state but 100% healthy got to me "Are you alright? Here let me help you to your room or maybe the medical bay?" Her eyes lite up and then I realize what I did. Why did I do it. If I could I'd bury myself. "Thank you Edward that's nice of you but not necessary. I was feeling faintish but I'm feeling much better so I'll just go to my room and sleep" although I technically ended what ever we had before it happened didn't mean it didn't hurt to be almost dismissed. "You may go to the ballroom and have fun. Do you know where it is?" And I was dismissed. Damn that hurt. "Thank you I know the way, I wish you all the best with your.. suitors. May we meet again" all I could do was smile and she smiled dipped her head and walked away. Why did I let her walk away? Oh right my future. God did it seem small now. But she gone. So I might as well go too.

Reaching the ballroom seemed easier then finding the restroom. As I was walking by I heard the Richmond guy talking with his friends "Yeah she says I'm lucky but she's the one who lucky don't you think Lucas. I mean I'm a Duke, I know the way the world works. Maybe when I'm king I'll get some of that magic don't you think?" I'm angered instantly thinking he only wants Sophie for her title and what she could give her. My fist are balled up when Jayden sees me and pulls me away. "What's wrong with you? Where'd you go?" I had to calm down otherwise he'd know what I was thinking. And he can't. He could marry her. I won't be in the way of him being king. "Nothing man just some dicks talking shit about women" I said the first thing in my mind and he gets it. He has sisters and when we hear someone disrespecting women we get mad. With that said I pulled him in the room to have a good night. He did. My mood couldn't have been lifted, no matter the girls or my mom. I just wanted to go home. Or see her again.

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