The big party and reveal pt 2

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-6 hours later

"Sophie! You did such an amazing job! Seriously outdid yourself!" Charlie, my classmate from homeroom tells me and I look around proud. The entire backyard changes. I have tiki light surrounding the area, I have tables scattered with food and chocolates and goodies. With a DJ(aka my uncles best friend Max) in the corner by the door. I have my table with a few chairs for my closest friends and family. Including of course my cake. A red velvet with buttercream icing. I drool just thinking about it.
"Are you drooling over the cake again?" Brett just had to ask didn't he. He had to publicly say it. "Yes. Yes I am. I'm ready to eat it. I already ate my burger and hot dogs. Now I need my cake " I stick my tongue out at him like a child when someone walks into the backyard. I don't recognize him. He's looking around and stops when he sees my mother talking with my uncles and Tessa. His look startled me because, well I don't know. He looks at her like how Brett looks at me. It's weird because my mom never dates. If she did she didn't tell me. "..I brought a pineapple to the beach to throw at seagulls" "wait what? What are you saying Brett? You know what, never mind. Do you recognize that man walking towards my mom?" Brett starts looking around till he spots this random man. He's wearing a dark blue silk button up with some black slacks and shiny leather shoes. He has dark midnight blue black hair and grey eyes. Crazy because I have grey eyes but I have light brown hair like my mom. My mom looks over and their eyes meet and it's swear I feel the sparks flying all the way over here. She walks fast to him and pulls him into the house. Both my Uncles look like they've seen a ghost and follow my mother and the strange man.
"I don't recognize him babe, do you think your mom has finally started dating?" Bretts words brings me back to the present and the music all of a sudden gets loud and the lights seem brighter and the smell of food and people are brought to my senses. "I don't think she's started dating. In my 18 years of life I haven't seen her with anyone. I haven't even seen her go on dates or anything I guess my father meant something important to her. She doesn't talk about him. Only that he would have loved me." Tessa starts waking this way, her face shows her million questions. She was never able to mask her emotions. "Sophie, who was that man? He is FINE! Like if he wasn't so much older and obviously didn't have the hots for your mom. I would sooo go for him" She is smirking and laughing and her eyes are shiny from thinking of the perfect man she's pictures of him in her mind. "Tessa we have no clue but that's a mystery for tomorrow. Come home Sophie it's your birthday party and plus your mom and uncles are coming back out so he's obviously gone home. Let me get you a drink ok?" He walks away as he finishes his sentence. And he's right. It's my party and I spend 5 hours. FIVE hours on making it great. "Come on Tessa let's go dance. I'm in need of some me u and dance floor time!" "YASSS! Let's go girl!"

After a few hours the party has come to an end and everybody but Tessa and Brett has gone home. "Can i stay the night? I'm so tired and don't want to walk home" I face palm myself at her words. "Tessa, you live next door. You could crawl to your house and make it in good time. But yes you can. I mean it is my birthday so why not have a sleepover" I'm smiling thinking of all the movies we'll watch and all the junk food we'll eat. "Can I stay the night?" Brett gives me puppy dog eyes as my uncle Jason walks in. He heard Brett ask and before I could answer he says "no Brett you can not spend the night. And plus Tessa I think your mom was looking for you so I think you should go home too." Both Brett and Tessa look shell shocked, Brett because he didn't think anyone heard him and Tessa because when her mom starts looking for her it can only mean one thing. She's in trouble. I fell bad for her but nothing I can do. I tell them bye and start walking towards my room.
"Wait Sophie. I need to talk to you." Once again someone is in trouble. But it's me now. "Can't it wait I'm kind of tired." "I'm afraid not. I have to tell you something. So come sit down with us." I've never seen my mom look so serious before.

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