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Richmond POV:

How dare she make me come second to some brat. But no matter she won't be interested in him. Well I was wrong. When I walked in they were both laughing. Like children. She's supposed to be the princess not some commoner. She can't just act like a child where ever. Maybe the bedroom but not out where everyone can see her. But I will say this. Her laughter did put a small smile on my face. Very smile. When she saw me she said good bye and he hugged her and walked out like he owned the place. He can't just hug the princess. Especially without her permission. A frown was on my face before I realized it and then masked my annoyance quickly. "Good afternoon Princess, how are you?" I only need to get ahead of everyone else. "I'm doing just good, just finished laughing. How are you Richmond? Did you look around the palace?" I sure as hell did not walk around. I took my car to my home. But I didn't say that. "Unfortunately I couldn't walk around. I was called off but I made sure to tell them only an hour. So I could make it back here in time. And it seemed I made it exactly on time." She smiled at me. Very politely. Just like a princess . I wonder why Jayden got a more personal smile. Hmm... I need something that will make her like me more. "Would you like to show me around the ground? Maybe the garden? I've heard only good things about your garden" god who talks about gardens anyways. "I would love to!! Follow me. You'll love it. The flowers that's blooming are so beautiful" now I see the smile everyone fell in love with when she came home.

Sophie POV:

Although it started off awkward it didn't last very long. He asked to see my garden, and may I say it's the most beautiful garden in the country, well then I do say so. I smile so widely knowing he's showing an interest maybe my instincts were wrong? "Over here are the roses, their my favorite of all flowers. Although i like daisy's too." I'm not paying much attention to him, not when I see sir Henry waking in my rose buses. They have thorns and that isn't good for him. "Oh dear! Richmond can you give me a hand?" I look to him for help but he doesn't seem to register where I've been looking for the last 5 minutes. Only seems to be checking me out. It's not like I have a bad body but when I'm talking and asking him a question. I would like the attention on my words not my ass! Ugh! "Richmond!" That got his attention. At least he has the decency to look awkward. "Yes princess? You wanted help? With what?" He's looking around probably thinking of an escape. Not sure. "Sir Henry has gotten in the rose bushes and he could get hurt. Can you help me get him out?" It's at that moment that he realized I have a rose bush. Let alone that our stray cat is stuck now. He looks perplexed that I would ask but helps me anyways. It took 15 minutes to get him out but by then he's all cut up. Maybe the doctors can help. "Richmond I apologize for this interruption but Sir Henry seems to be hurt. Would you mind coming with me to the medical bay?" "Why would you want the doctors to look over a stray? Won't he just get in then Bushes again?" After a second of silence he speaks again. "Actually you go ahead I see my father is trying to reach me. I didn't realize until now. I'll wait here for you princess." He's al smiles and being polite but to me it's so phony. And annoying. Ugh! The nerve. Well I'll take him myself. I look over sir Henry and see he's scratched but not too bad. Maybe he was right about the doctor I think I'll just give him some ointment.
After giving him ointment and food sir Henry walks away happy. He's a smart cat so maybe he won't get into the rose bush again. As I walk out I see Richmond is still on the phone. So I don't interrupt I walk towards him quietly. So quiet he doesn't hear me. "Yeah man she's harder then I expected. I mean I'm a duke for crying out loud. She should know I'm the only one really qualified for being king. Not these other boys. No. No. Okay. Oh no she has an amazing body. That's for sure. Nah. Okay I'll talk to you later bro." Wow. Did i pick him. Literally. Ugh! I knew my instincts were right. Always follow them. If they say don't walk straight you better walk to the side. Well this was disappointing. "Richmond?" He looks back shocked to see me so close. "Thank you for such a wonderful time but we might need to go back to the dimming room don't you think? The hour is just about up." Before I finish I walk away and he has to follow me. Not sure if he know I heard him or not. Doesn't matter. God what a fool. One thing is for sure I won't be seeing him again

As he walks out of the castle I made sure to have someone let him know he is no longer a suitor.

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