Glenn- Twelve

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When Glenn's alarm woke him up at seven on Saturday he wasn't expecting the shout that came from the floor as he climbed out of bed. Quickly, he reached over to the nightstand for his glasses, but he already had a feeling that he knew who it was.

"Watch it!" Greg demanded sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Glenn sat back down on the edge of his bed and looked down at his older brother.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in last night". Glenn blinked his eyes slowly for a second, hating that they were open so early. He was very, very far from a morning person.

"Yeah, well, it was late and you were pretty out of it," Greg explained and Glenn nodded. He had been extremely tired after his match, and then shopping session with Nathan. "They started going at it again and I really didn't want to deal with it". Greg sighed and ran a hand down his face in frustration. "I'm a twenty one year old man who's sleeping on the floor of his eighteen year old brother".

"I wish I could say something to you about how it's not at all pathetic, but it is, and you are," Glenn pointed out and Greg nodded. "Why don't you just talk to him about it?"

"Like that's worked before". Glenn shrugged. "He always just says sorry and it won't happen again, but then it's midnight and she wants to give him a blow job just dispite me because she's a bitch and he can't say no to her".

Glenn nodded in understanding. "Why don't you just move in here with me?" Glenn smiled a little. "I mean, it's already practically your bedroom, and you don't need to worry about me having sex and waking you up because you and Jace scare away every single boy who steps foot on our front porch-"

"We're not that bad-"

"You yelled at the mailman," Glenn reminded and Greg fell silent, thinking about this for a minute before shrugging.

"Yeah, well, he was looking at you".

"I was holding my hand out for the mail at the time, so I think a quick glance was justified," Glenn argued and finally Greg cracked a small smile. "I just want you to understand that you're ridiculous".

"Keeping you safe isn't ridiculous, Glenn," was Greg's argument, and Glenn knew that saying anything back was pointless since it would just be ignored, so he dropped the topic as he finally claimed out of bed, this time careful not to step on his brother.

"Since you're awake, do you want to help me make breakfast?" Glenn asked. It would be nice for him to have some help this early in the morning. Once again, Glenn was not great at the transition from sleeping to being awake.

Greg blinked up at him. "You're making breakfast?" Glenn nodded to confirm. "Well I might as well help, I guess. I mean, we both know I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep."

"Perfect". Glenn offered his brother one of his hands and pulled the man to his feet. "I think we'll make French toast, bacon, and eggs".

Greg hummed in agreement as he followed Glenn from the bedroom to the kitchen. "I don't know how to make any of those things, so you'll have to help me".

"You don't need to make bacon and eggs, Greg. All you have to do is cook them," Glenn explain, stepping into the kitchen and immediately going to the coffee maker. "Want to take the stuff out to the fridge?"

"What stuff?" Greg asked, leaning against the counter and watching as Glenn rinsed the coffee out of the pot from the day before.

"Your stuff. The eggs and bacon". Greg groaned, but pushed himself away from the counter and went to the refrigerator, dragging his feet the whole way.

"This seems like a lot of work. Why can't I do what you're doing and you do the bacon and eggs?" Greg asked. Glenn rolled his eyes, taking the old coffee filter out of the coffee maker before throwing it in the garbage.

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