Zayn Malik 1

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It was a normal saturday in California and Whitney was just applying a bit of make-up to her dark brown eyes. She was heading to a job interview at a pet store that she didnt really want to go to. She had this horrible feeling that something was going to go wrong. She walked up the stairs to go have some breakfast but wished she had turned around when she saw her annoying older sister.

"Oh Whitney you have a job interview today right?" She asked all innocent.

"Yeah why do you care...?" Whitney eyed her suspiciously.

"Oh you know, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to the mall with some friends so I'm going to have to take the convertable. But thats okay, you can take the old car!" She smriked as she threw the keys at whitney. "Bye now!" 

Whitney cursed under her breath. The convertable was the new car they were supposed to share but it seems like her sister has it all the time. She would be lucky if she even got the old toyota car to start!

She growled and grabbed the box of cherrios that was left on the counter by a certain devil. She poured a bowl and and cut up some strawberries to throw in. She truned up the radio expecting to hear a good song to put her in a better mood but all that was on was comercials. 

"Today we are in for a very special treat! As you all know One Direction is in California today doing a live show! Its almost impossible to get tickets now but luckly we saved some just for all our listeners out their!'' The host said. "Well hopefully all you Directioners are listening because today when you hear the magic word, you will want to call and be the second caller! The magic word is 'Carrots'!"

Whitney turned it off. What was the point of trying? They would get hundreds of calls and only one would be chosen leaving the other girls crying. She did love One Direction its just so hard to get tickets to see them! She knew that many other girls felt the same way and she hated that.

She decided to get an early start and try to start the car. She locked the door behind her and turned the key 6 times before it started. She hopped in and pulled out of their drive way and watch their little house dissapear as she went further and further away. The job interview was only 10 minutes away so she had no time to get a coffee.

She got to a small building with pet pictures all around the outside and a little puppy in the window. She turned off the car and walked into the store.


Whitney walked out of the store and started the car on the fourth try. She was pretty sure she wouldnt get the job because it went horribly. The first thing she did when she walked into the office was trip and land on her face! After her nose stopped bleeding and she was ready to start, she got hiccups and could barely speak! It was misserable! To drown out her sadness she turned up the radio which was really the only thing that worked in that stupid car. 'I want' by One Direction played and Whitney sang along.

"That was I Want by the hottest boy band ever!" A hostess explained. "Now for all you smart people that knows what this lucky word is then get ready cause....CARROTS!!!!!"

What the hell, Whitney thought as she pulled out her new IPhone and dialed the number. It rang once then a voice came on the other line.

"Hey there, whats your name?" A girl asked.


"Well Whitney thank you for playing and I'm sorry to say this but......YOUR GOING BACKSTAGE WITH ONE DIRECTION!!"

Whitney slammed on the brakes and started to shake with excitment. "Are you serious!?"

"Yep! Come by the station to get the tickets and we will give you a limo to ride in to the theater!"

Whitney hung up and took a sharp turn to the radio broadcasting station. How was she so lucky? This was increadable! 

When she got to the station there was a huge crowd gathered by the doors. "Whats going on?" She asked a girl who appeared to be in her twenties. 

"They all claim to be whitney." She stated

Whitney shoved her way to the front of the group and nocked on the door. No one answered and soon she was pushed back again. She didnt know what to do until suddenly her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hi, thank God for redial! Which Whitney are you?" The same woman as before asked.

"Oh I'm stuck in the crowd, I dont know what to do."

"Well their is a emergency exit to the left of the building. Go there and dont be followed! A man will be waiting for you."

"Okay thanks" She smiled to herself. Maybe everything would workout. She ran to the other side of the building where a guy waited for her. He quietly rushed her inside and they ran up the stairs. They went into a room full of boys. Whitney slowly walked in without saying anything. Suddenly they all turned aroud and there stood the five most amazing guys. 

Some say it was Fate! (One Direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now