Louis Tomlinson 5

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Alice felt horrible and regretted not kissing Louis but she knew it was to late to change her mind. He was leaving at lunch to go somewhere else. She was all sad until her mom came in and asked what was wrong.

"I missed a huge chance to be with someone that I really liked and they are leaving now so I won't ever get to see him again." She whinnied.

"Why not just go to the airport! You have lots of time to stop him before his flight!" She said.

Alice smiled and ran out to her car and peeled out of the driveway. She sped to the airport and searched for the place where all the fans where waiting for One Direction. She squeezed past everyone just in time to see them walk out the airport. She tried to catch Louis attention but it was hard from the noise of the crowd. Finally she ducked under the rope and ran past the security guards! They chased her but before they could catch her she ran into Louis arms! He told them it was okay and that I was a friend.

Tears spilled over Alice's cheeks. "Im sorry!" She cried, "I think I love you! And I'm sorry I didn't say anything before." 

Before she could say anything else, Louis kissed her and told her he loved her to and she wanted her to come to L.A. with him. She agreed and then said good bye one last time. She walked back to her car and pulled out her phone.

She read the latest text, "I love you and miss you already! -Louis"

Her heart fluttered and she smiled to herself.

Some say it was Fate! (One Direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now