Chapter 1 / Into The woods...

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"Alina-Rona run!" Screamed a distant voice running towards me and shouting over and over "RUN! RUN! RUN! HUMANS! TO THE BUNKER... GO GO GO!"

I began to run... faster than I have ever ran before... my head was beating like 1000 drums and I was scared out of my wits... I wish it was like the past... I liked the peace... I only know of peace from my parents when they talked about their childhoods when there was peace and tranquillity. Unfortunately I was born into a world of fear and war... I'm only 13 and running for my life... I guess it's in my position to tell you about the time... when things were different...

There was a time when we were free... free of the hiding, the pain, the torture... the hunting, before the entire human race turned on us, called us abominations, evil, that we should be cast out in order to assure their safety... all this happened because 10 years ago there was this rouge ARNU (magical wielders) the ARNU went by the name The Rouge. And The Rouge wanted us to be the superior species to get rid of the humans for us to show our true potential to not hide our powers from humans that could destroy us.

However, little did she know the humans had found out about us ARNU and decided they wanted to rid of us in order to suppress us becoming hostile and attacking them. But they didn't know our laws, we have laws against attacking humans... if they only took the time to understand them maybe the war could have been avoided.

When the rouge ARNU received enough participants to join her in the fight she took it to herself to conduct a war against the humans... and she did, the war lasted 4 agonising years... then finally the rouge ARNU was killed by the humans, although the humans killed her which was against one of our most important laws. The law was

If any human injured or killed and ARNU due to any circumstances we must go into hiding to avoid any more deaths

The ARNU that wanted to be superior and that died in battle were considered and outcast in her clan bunker, she was sentenced to a power removal from her lifeless body and the destruction of her powers, and she was exiled. Never to be seen again or mentioned it.

And her body no one knows where it is. Our leaders don't tell us anything more than that. Everyone wonders where her body is and what happened to it, most people think they burnt it but I know there must be something more to it.

Soon after that the human decided us ARNU were to dangerous to have around so they started hunting us down and trying to kill us off... all because of the war and even before then they had their doubts but The Rouge ARNU lit the spark that ignited the fuse...

And here I was now running for my life against 5 no 6 ,maybe, humans. Trying to get to the bunker as fast as I could, there no use running in two legs, gunshots were shooting at me every second. My running clothes were all ripped and dripping with sweat... my fear. I had black sports leggings (that came to my ankle) with a white stripe on the side of the left and right leg, I had a black crop top that matched the black sports leggings with two stripes on either side (left and right.). I have to get these fixed. However I can't think about clothes right now the only thing I can think about is getting out of here... alive! The only way I can outrun them is if I shift... I hid behind a large willow tree just blossoming large white flowers for spring. I began to shift... hunching over on the ground and screaming in pain.

I clawed at the ground as my fingers turned into long black claws and my teeth sharpened to a point, my canine teeth sharpened and grew 2 times the normal human size, my hands turned into paws and my back clicked and bended in unnatural ways and my nose and mouth turned into a snout, my ears grew and my body covered in pure white fur... after all of the pain I finally shifted, it gets easier as you do it more, however this is only my second or third time... as you see I shifted into a wolf, my white fur was beautiful in the daylight and my crystal light and dark blue ombré eyes (going from light blue to dark blue) were gorgeous, I was a beautiful wolf...

There was no time to waste... I had to get back to the bunker... where people like me are safe from the humans... (for now.) I ran and ran with my wolf speed, my wolf hearing, my wolf sight, my wolf smell, my wolf touch and my wolf taste and on occasion wolf strength. I have all of the increases senses of a wolf, but more increased as I am an ARNU.

I ran with my legs making me run out the humans by a mile... I was safe as I saw the bunker come into sight, now all I had to do was- oh no! I could hear the humans in vehicles. They were close... I ran left and decided to loose them. I could smell their sent. They were driving right... opposite me but to the way of the bunker! I had to distract them so I let out a long howl, a beautiful one at that lovely and melodic and harmonious. They then turned straight to me and I ran, back to the way where the distant voice was, the scent was fresh I inhaled deeply and caught the scent, I knew where my saviour was.

I was still running and trying to loose the humans, when I smelled the foul human scent and began to decipher their gender... sniff female and male... 2 female and 3 male! I was running and running still trying to loose the humans when I had an idea, I hid behind a tree and reappeared as a human girl with white ombré hair with pastel purple tips. I was faking a pant as humans do and was waving down the other humans.

"Over here!" I Shouted waving my arms in the air, even though I am not in wolf form I can still use my wolf senses and abilities. They smelled like poison and pollution. A man jumped out of the vehicle (maybe a jeep) and held a gun.

"Yes ma'am?" He asked

"I saw.. a wolf." I said whilst acting 'scared.'

They looked intrigued.

"Where did it go?" They Asked

"It went that way." I said pointing to the opposite way of the bunker.

"Thank you ma'am you should be home we haven't secured this area of a non freak zone yet. Thank you for your help. God bless you."

They then got back in their jeep and went the way I told them to go. Few. Now I was angry though they called me a freak! Not intentionally me but every ARNU in existence. I can't just stay out here I have to go to the bunker and tell my twin what happened.

My ombré hair flew into my face my pastel purple tips touched my nose and tickled it, I gently placed it behind my ear. And ran. I just ran... into the way of the bunker, deep in the woods, the green all around me was breathtaking and the light on the trees was magnificent. I love nature. Too bad there was deforestation... I then turned and ran back to the bunker... jumping over a log and landing in wolf form running to the way of the bunker...

I hope you enjoyed my very first chapter!!! Any mistakes in grammer please let me know.

Don't forge to vote, comment and share and I'll see you guy's next time. Bye!

Velenu U Ward (Naranac Academy Saga) (Poison and Roses)Where stories live. Discover now