Chapter 7 / We have to go!

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All I could hear and see was piercing noises of bombs and grenades I couldn't see Halle and Serina anymore as all I could see was not fire! I began to feel myself slipping away. I fell straight to the floor. No... no! I can't skip away not now! I can't shift. It won't help me or Serina at all. The reason for this being that me and Serina are scared of the fire and hot and cold temperatures because of our wolf part. The reason for that being that fire can cause an instant uncontrollable shift to happen to us.

So that's why we hate fire, I began to dig my nails/claws i it the mud trying to grab hold of myself. In he distance I could just make out Halle and Serina coming at me through the flames, I pulled myself up just enough to be able to crawl on my hands and knees, moving as fast as I could still keeping the wolf inside, feeling the churning of my stomach as the wolf fought to be set free. The pain was excruciating as I held the wolf in its place. Crawling and crawling, I was suddenly shifted from my place as all I heard was a whistle and then a massive bang, I stared straight at where the noise was coming from... all I saw was a massive black bomb hurling in my direction. I barley had time to place my arms over my head before it came in my direction.

"Serina!" I Screamed as I closed my eyes

The next thing I knew I was being propelled into the air by the bomb that impacted my right leg and sent me flying, there's no way I can survive this...

It was like I was frozen in time, just falling, always falling never stopping never going anywhere... just waiting for this to stop. Just waiting for this to continue, my right leg I was sure it was pretty badly injured and possibly begin repair. It felt like I was constantly rolling in the air now I didn't dare to open my eyes to see where I was heading to. Even thought I knew I had no chance of surviving this it still felt like I was as light as air.

I wonder if Halle and Serina managed to get out safely. I hope they did. But then again what will they be thinking if they see I didn't make it out? Even if I do manage to land somewhere when I stop being propelled through the sky there's no probability that I will survive. If I do I think I will be seriously injured or even half close to death!

All I can do now is wait and scream for help. Hopefully not long before I get down or I don't even know what else I could be waiting for.

Serina's point of view:
I couldn't see her! Halle or Alina! Where are they!?
I then suddenly heard a blood curdling scream. There is only one person that belongs to.

"Alina!" I screamed whilst running in the way the scream is coming from.

"ALINA!!" I screamed even louder dogging the grenades and bombs like it was nothing. I was a bit hesitant at the fire... please no not fire... control it Serina for Alina... for Alina... I inhaled deeply jumping over the fire right where I could hear the sounds coming to the loudest. I scanned the area... she isn't here! Unless... no... there's a massive hole and... no. I bent down to where the edge of the hole was and picked up a price of black fabric, in hailing the scent deeply, trying to recognise who the scent belonged to. Alina! I stood up abruptly in hailing the air looking for the scent. I turned around until I found the sweet sent of the wilderness and flowers. Alina's scent.

I began to trace it right to where I would find her. I began to smirk. I can find her. I dropped the fabric to the ground and began to run past all of the bombs and fire, right to where I saw the entire force field that kept us safe was collapsed, only a few flickers of electric blue were the only things left of the forcefield. I won't stop running, I was running in the direction where the scent was the strongest. I have he scent locked. I will find her.

Alina's point of view:
I felt as though gravity was suddenly against me as If I was being pulled to the ground... and I was! I suddenly felt the hard grassy floor between my fingertips my head moved slowly as I tried to stand up but failed, feeling the pain surge through my entire body as sudden movements cause me unbearable pain. It's just better to sit here and wait for my death or someone to find me... hopefully... hopefully...

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