Chapter 2 / Narnu Clan Bunker..

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The bunker I saw was a decoy to the real one... the real one was far more hidden than that. Seriously we're not amateurs we know how to hide ourselves away... I ran straight past the decoy laughing and wagging my tail happily.

I ran about a mile away from the decoy and stopped at a large and I mean large oak tree, larger than the natural oak tree by 10 times. I then placed my paws in the ground firmly then began to shift back into human form. I love being free the instinct is instantaneous I urge it but I can't let my desire to be free take control over me.

I placed my hand in the beautiful bark of the tree, I love the texture it was really shady here as the trees were covering everything for a long mile. I gently ran my hand over a certain part of bark and found what I was looking for.

"Gotcha!" I said happily

I then placed my palm onto the piece of bark that I was certain was the key to finding and unlocking the bunker. I was right. When I placed my hand onto the certain piece of bark it sinked into the tree just slightly. This was the lock securing the safety of the bunker. I then removed my hand and stared NORTH of the tree as the specific piece of bark that sinked In was on the EAST of the tree.

Then a light blue shimmer emerged from north of the tree, its diameter meeting the oak tree going from two miles to the next oak tree, I then ran (using my wolf speed) straight to the other oak tree. And placed my palm on the exact same piece of bark, it then sinked in everything the same as the other one. The light blue shimmer growled and expanded making the world look all giddy and making me feel dizzy.

Luckily, it removed and showed a wide entrance much like a castle entrance but instead of the gate being made of wood it was made of platinum. The bunker was as long at the length of the two trees where the lock was to the bunker. It was hidden using a Force field. The only people that can open it is ARNU as they have got hand recognition. We have clever people here that can make these things possible. I smiled lovingly at the beauty of the bunker (which we call home) a safe haven from the humans for now... until we have to move to a new place to insure us being undiscovered.

I began to walk straight to it when I was stopped by two armed guards. They held their arms on my chest.
"First Name, last name and clan." Said the one on the left.

"First name: Alina-Rona, last name: Athnas. I am part of the Narnu Clan Bunker... this bunker."

"Correct." Said the left guard

"Now what's your clan leaders names?" Asked the one on the right.

"In order from the oldest to newest clan leader. In this clan bunker we have 3 leaders the same as ever bunker, the oldest a wisest leader is:
Daniel wizaro (male)
Then the second one is:
Darko tar (male)
Then the third and youngest one is:
Dula rose bush (female)
There you go."

They nodded in acceptance and opened the gate for me. It went upwards and and disappeared from my sight. I walked through proudly. It was natural procedure to check if you are and ARNU. I walked straight in and as soon as I did I could feel the force field closing behind me. Good. I walked straight to my log cabin passing multiple people saying "hi" and "how are you?"

And people with wolf abilities, vampire abilities, witch abilities, angel abilities, dragon light abilities, demon abilities, hunter abilities, mermaid abilities, fairy abilities and finally unicorn abilities. There's no guarantee they exist but I like to think they do. Even in my bunker.

Okay I know what you think. Why are ARNU hunting their own kind. Well the hunter powers that ARNU have are not the humans that hunt us ARNU, the abilities that mean they can handle bows arrows and any kind of weapons and use them in combat. A select few can also shape shift to shield themselves.

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