Chapter 24 / Uncontrollable Shift

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I blinked... my eyes slowly bringing to focus. I could feel heat all around me. I felt the soft duvet covers in my body radiation heat. My eyes suddenly shot open, eyeing the room around me. Infirmary. Most like the ones they have in the Bunkers. Or they had. I thrashed against the covers instantly feeling a burst of heat radiate in my skin. Screaming I tried to fall off of the bed, to get out. To get away. But failed. I eyes my arms, I was strapped down with buckles, my nails still claws. I pulled against them balling my hands into fists trying to set myself free. I screamed and shouted.

"LET ME GO!" I Screamed "WHY AM I HERE!?" I bellowed in fear. I'm going to shift here!

I looked at the white walls, radiating with many heated lamps embedded into the walls. I looked above the locked and bolted platinum door, I could feel the sweat dripping off of my forehead. I caught onto a sign above the door. It said.

'Mid Transformation Reversal Room'

Oh no. I know what that means, they are trying to make me human, trying to fix what has happened to me. I'm stuck between forms. They're trying to reverse it. I could feel the heat getting more and more penetrating, the air thick and sticky pushing down my lungs, trying to suffocate me pushing all of the air out of my lungs. I inhaled fast and deep breaths trying to keep myself conscious against the wave of heat. This is a painful process to reverse the mid transformation. I let out a low whimper as sticky sweat dripped down my forehead, I tried to keep my eyes open for a few more seconds, only to see a figure standing in the doorway before I closed me eyes. A word more like a name stuck in my head.

Sebastian saved me...














Serina's point of view:
The last thing they told us before taking us to the Mid Transformation Reversal Room was that there was an accident involving two riders. I pestered them for answers until they finally gave in. The words they said shook me to the core. Alina and Sebastian. Alina... No... It can't be... Sebastian... Is that what her outburst was about earlier? When she's awake I will ask her, not in our private link but our pack link. I listened to Professor Tusho as she directed only her closest friends to the chamber. I had to be strong... for her. I felt my heart thumping in my chest as I walked through the many hallways then finally down four flights of stairs into the basement. I held my breath as we approached the door, covering my mouth in shock at the sight of my unconscious twin strapped down to keep her there in case she almost shifted or freaked out because this is a painful process. I felt my heart break at the sight of her pain filled body, backing away as I suddenly came to a stop when I felt a soothing hand grasp my shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." Whispered Jacob in my ear as he embraced me in a loving hug. A burst of emotions swirled in my mind. I let the salty tears trickle down my cheek, each tear each pain filled cry.

"I can feel her pain." I mumbled to Jacob as our embrace grew.

Our eyes locked my eyes glossy form the tears, Jacobs thumb grazed my tear streaked cheek, I rested me head on the palm of his hand as he lifted my chin to his eye level. Taking a moment to stare at me before I even could react out lips touched. A bust of excitement, wonder and flavour filled my mouth as his soft lips embraced mine. I blinked trying to think over this moment, is this really happening? Finally relaxing I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist as our kiss depended. My first kiss.

All my worried floated away with our kids embracing his lips in mine. Feeling the soft and plump texture of his lips graze mine. Jacob held me close to him, closing the gab between us as he kept his hold on me. Tighter. He pulled me close to his chest, as close as we could get, the closest that I could hear his heartbeat in his chest, feeling the heat radiate off of him, still our lips interlocked not separating. Standing here it was heaven, until it all ended. I gently let our lips part as I caught eyes staring at us. Gem and Halle. I shifted my gaze to the ground in embarrassment and caught Jacob going the same.

"We, uh-." I started until I was cut off from Halle

"It's okay! Young love, do your thing." She teased a smile forming on my face.

"You know you should get a room!" Bellowed Gem sarcastically.

I caught a glimpse of Jacob looking at me, placing his hand to his side. I took it. Hand in hand. Nothing can ruin this moment... I stared in his eyes as our moment shattered. I spoke too soon as a nurse came out of the room with...

"Sebastian!" I yelled as he kept his gaze to the ground. "What happens out there!?" I Asked angrily, he only shrugged.

"She lost control over Misty. Nearly had an uncontrollable shift after falling into the ice cold seawater. I saved her. End of story." Sebastian said much like he was in pain.

My feelings for anger overruled my sympathy. I ran straight to him, mind blazing, hands balled into fists, swinging my arms around I felt my fist impact his cheek.

"She could have died!" I Screamed as I shoved him backwards as he stood there emotionless.

"Fight back!" I Screamed "Answer me! I will never forgive you! You did this!" I Screamed shoving him back more, grabbing his shirt as I felt a hand grasp my arm.

"STOP." Said a shouting voice as I stared at Sebastian's forming back eye and bloody lip. Jacob stared into my fury blazing eyes as her repeated more softly. "Stop." I stared into his eyes, then Sebastian's as I removed my hand from his shirt. Unclenching my fists, I pulled myself away from Jacob trusting to the staircase I walked away.

"Serina..." said a heartbroken voice as I walked away.

"I'm going to cool off." I Shouted over my shoulder as I broke into a run up the staircase. There's only one way to cool off. The woods. No time for second period, when a wolf is angry they are angry. I can't be around people right now. I shifted running through the halls, through scared and frightened people until I got to the woods. Letting my inner wolf run wild I broke for the deepest darkest part of the woods. I'm so sorry Ali. Is all I could manage to think before my mind was drawn to the woods.

Sorry for taking so long for this update. I will try to update sooner now. Don't forget to
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Till the next update! Bye!

Velenu U Ward (Naranac Academy Saga) (Poison and Roses)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora