Chapter 4 / Can I do this?

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I jumped on top of Serina pinning her down with my paws on her side and nipping her ear gently, in a cute way. Catching me off guard she tumbled with me flipping her on top of me, her paws on my chest. I began nipping and biting at her legs trying to get her off of me.

I was near defeat when I had a plan. I faked passing out watching her sniff at me and whimper worryingly, that was my move. I flipped her over and sank my teeth into her neck, letting her role out from under me I stood tall, she bent her head down to bow. To submit. Happy with my victory I laughed and howled at my victory.

We both shifted back, I saw little marks on her neck where I had bitten her. Not deep.
I rubbed my hand at the back of my neck moving my hair to the right side letting it flow freely down my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that when we shift it's hard to keep control of the wolf." I said guilt fully staring at the luscious green grass. When I looked back up I saw a wolf black with a wagging tail and golden ombré eyes... Serina. She then jumped on top of me and pushed me to the floor, all while licking me.

"Stop." I said giggling and trying to get her off of me

When I looked at my chest again I saw Serina laughing and smiling. The human Serina. Serina jumped to her feet and put out her hand to me, I grabbed it firmly and was lifted to my feet.

"Now wasn't that fun?" She Asked me

"Heck yeah!" I then tickled Serina in her abdomen. And she giggled then between breaths managed to say

"Stop... it tickles!"

I just laughed at her outburst.

"It was supposed to tickle!" I Shouted in response

I stopped tickling her because she was turning blue.

"Alina-Rona I think we should go there now,." Serina said as I hesitated.

"I'm just scared about what they are going to say, the last time this happened it resulted in a war and exile and power stripping... I don't want that to happen to me..." I said holding back tears

"Alina." Serina said putting her hands on my shoulders "it won't happen you are not like the rouge, I was there so I will back you up, we were doing our daily things when we saw human and to avoid suspicion we ran Okay?"

I hesitated before I spoke. "Okay..."

I breathed in and out slowly.
"I'm ready to go to town square now."

"Okay c'mon I'll race you." Serina yelled to me and she ran using human speed.

"I'll beat you!" I Shouted back to her.

The reason I was so worried is that they could think we were leading them (the humans) to us and provoking them and trying to get us exposed. Which I wasn't. As Serina said we were doing our daily things when we saw humans so to avoid suspicions we ran. Because it's weird if you see two people in the woods.

And especially without a warrant to be in the woods as you need one now ,if you are human that is, otherwise you would face treason for betrayal against your country and conspiring with the 'freaks' as they call us.

Enough of that time to race!

We quickly placed our hands onto the locks that locked the bunkers and waited for the forcefield to open. As on cue it did. We then ran straight through it avoiding everyone in our wake. Until we got to the seamstress, I sneaked up on an unexpected Halle who yelped when I scared her.

"Oh Alina!" She sighed placing her hand on her heart pretending she had a cardiac arrest.

That only made me laugh more.

"Are my running clothes ready?" I Asked Halle and just before she opened her mouth she was interrupted.

"Yes they are!" Scuffed Violet as she shoved them in my arms. Not the kindest of people. I have to admit.

"Don't ruin them again." She threatened then walked behind the curtain where all of the equipment was leaving us three standing there giggling.

"I'm going to take these back to my room and take a quick shower okay?" I Asked not waiting for an answer

"Alina I'm going to get changed as-well I'll meet you at our cabin!" Ushered Serina watching me walk away in the direction of our bunker.

"Alina meet us at the sweet shop near the town square!?" Shouted Halle as I broke into a run heading for my cabin.

Better hurry I thought.

I was now at my bunker, I stared in awe at my pad filled with all of my artwork. I quickly ran upstairs to my and Serina's bathroom that we share. On the second floor, as this one is the only one with the shower. I quickly took off my white tank top and my grey crop jacket and my white skirt with soft cotton lacing the rim of the skirt, I bent down and slid off my beautiful grey pumps with a little elevated heel. I placed all of my clothes on the clothing hangers and the shoes under it.

I gently removed the golden heart necklace that had me and Serina's picture in each side of the heart. And I placed it onto the sink.

I tip toed into the shower and closed the clear glass cover that separates me from outside the shower. I twisted the handle that turned on the shower letting little spurts of water gently touch my shoulders then roll down my back and land onto the shower floor. Wetting my white ombré hair with purple tips I let my hair flow down my back getting soaked in the water. I sighed. When I'm in the shower it's gives me more freedom to think.


After about 10 minutes I finally got out of the shower and turned the water off, and placed a white silk towel around me, under my armpits and securing it with a pin. I skipped to my clothes on the hangers and placed them over my arm. I carefully grabbed the heart necklace and held it tightly in my hand, feeling the smooth and delicate surface in my palm. Walking out of the shower to my room.

I walked straight into my closet and placed my running clothes onto the cabinet. I placed my necklace in the cabinet as-well. I quickly got changed back into my white tank top with a grey crop jacket and a white skirt with soft cotton lacing the rim of the skirt, and beautiful grey pumps with a little elevated heel. To make myself look more presentable for the Narnu Clan Bunker Leaders i walked over to the small mirror I had in my closet and tied my hair up in a high ponytail.

Leaving a little wisp of hair flowing down my right side of my face, I twisted a little bit of my hair and let it bounce as the curls began to spiral. Almost Perfect. My hair goes flows past my shoulders freely all the way to the end of my spine if it isn't tied up, I quickly fastened my ponytail with a pin to secure it just for safety. I then took the heart necklace and secured it around my neck. I held it right in my hand. Breathed in and out and walks out of the door of my bedroom.

I was greeted by Serina wearing a pastel blue crop and shoulder less top and the golden heart necklace we both have. She also had a pastel blue tight skirt on and rocked it. Whereas I had a normal non tight skirt on.

"You ready?" Asked Serina

"Um... no." I said nervously

"I'll take that as a yes!" Bellowed Serina

"Okay let's go." I said to Serina

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