Chapter 10 / Embrace

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After all of that earlier they said I had to stay for a couple of more hours to check my blood count, oxygen level, glucose level, and everything they could to prevent an infection.

The same nurse as yesterday came in and gently removed my tube and measured my heart rate and oxygen level, and glucose level. It took around four minutes for each test. Not too long. After she was done she whispered something in me and Serina's ear she said

"Home isn't here it's in your heart of who you love."

I don't understand why she said that to us but I won't forget it. She then nodded her head and left with all of the equipment she came in with.

After all of that was done I was given the all clear and was allowed to leave the infirmary. I quickly changed into my newly fixed running clothes, I really have to thank who did that, I gently folded up the polka dot gown and placed it on the pillow.

I rubbed my hand that they gently removed the needle from that was giving me fluids and blood. The newly placed plaster was a bit itchy but not that bad. It isn't that bad now but it still hurts.

"Come Ali lets go to reception to sign out." Serina said all bubbly given our circumstances.

I nodded happily then we opened the door on our way to reception.
We walked to reception the sun was now setting on our land. The hallway to the redemption was filled with many rooms filled with injured ARNU from the attack, I feel sorry for them... most of them weren't as fortunate as I was. If Serina never found me... I would be dead right now that makes me glad to have a good sister.

The hallway was a golden and silver swirly pattern each swirl reminding me of the twists and turns a tree branch creates in the wild as I see when I am a wolf. The floor was a ceramic tile made out of pieces of marble and glass. It was beautifully portrayed. Each piece of glass was hand crafted and layered out so peculiarly to make a pattern. That is as unique as every flower on a tree, every petal in a bunch, every ARNU in the wild.

I didn't even notice we were at reception until the receptionist lady spoke in my direction.

"Excuse me miss hand please."

I held a blank expression,

"What?" I Asked confused as why she wanted my hand.

Serina then pointed down to the plastic band I had around my wrist. Oh.

I hesitantly placed my hand through the gap on where she was waiting to take the band off and put another robe on. She grabbed my hand delicately and removed the band with a snip of her scissors. My hand felt free and sweaty now that she removed it, Little did I know she placed another one around my wrist. It was to say I was being discharged and held all of my information on it as-well.

Well I guess the free feeling will just have to wait until I can take this off.

"Excuse me." I said shyly "when can I take this off?" I Asked adamant for an answer.

"Well, whenever it's just to say you have been discharged and any issues to bring you back here dearie." She said in a sweet and kind elderly voice. She smiled a small smile at me before Serina thanked the lady and we made our way to the door.

The sun setting on the horizon showing a beautiful shade of oranges, yellows and red collaging together to make a beautiful sunset. A once in a life time sight. It seeped through my every being and nerve on my body, enlightening the senses and bringing me happiness, delight and hope. Every fibre of my body was electrically charged to give me enough energy for as long as I wished.

I inhaled deeply breathing in the fresh nectar of the woodland air. I felt free. I felt calm... the only thing I wasn't prepared for was to see something running at me, first instincts told me to flee but I got a closer look at them and I instantly recognised them...

"Icy!" Screamed Halle as she came running to me limping halfway

I met her in the middle and we embraced each-over.

"Icy! Are you okay?" She asked me.

I couldn't get the words to describe this feeling right now. I tried to form them in my head but nothing would come out. All I could manage was a silent muffled cry, in an instant Halle held me at arms length and checked over every inch of me, stopping to when she saw my saddened expression.

"Icy what's wrong?" She asked comfortingly

"I thought I would never see you again... the last thing we said to each-over..."

I couldn't bare myself to finish the sentence I just let the tears roll down my face. Halle then locked me in a embrace for a couple of minuets before opening her mouth to speak.

"The reason I wasn't there is Bruce's I was called to the Clan Bunker Leaders before You and Serina to discuss our shortage on resources, they made me do a full survey on what we have left and what we are short on. Which took me longer than expected. I wanted to be there I really did but I couldn't. I hope you can forgive me."

She said holding onto me still tightly. I didn't care anymore, maybe a little, so I did the next best thing. I faced her at arms length and knelt my forehead on hers. A wolfs way of respect, loyalty and above all forgiveness.

She laughed and cried at the same time falling to the ground holding my hands in hers.

I forgive her.

Halle then reached into her pocket and took out a diamond snowflake pin with each diamond beautifully crafted and placed in line to make a snowflake so delicately.

"It's to symbolise your nickname Icy" Halle said fasting the pin onto my running clothes top.

We stayed in that embrace of our foreheads together for what seemed like hours, the sun had fully set exposing a beautiful silver moon bribing light to everything it touched and the twinkling stars showing us that there is a way to a better place to hope... hope and sanctuary... and happiness...

"Not to burst your happiness but we have to get going, the Elite clan bunker leaders have called a meeting... the voyage into the ruins." Serina said as we quickly walked over to her and let her lead the way to the village square in the decoy bunker every step closer to the meeting... every step closer to a new and hopefully better future...

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