Chapter 6 / Just a time to relax... or not!

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I was so relieved, now that was all over with. Beep beep I heard the sound of my alarm clock as it glowed a light green making me wake up. Ugh. I smacked the off button on the alarm clock and pulled off my duvet flipping my legs over to the side of my bed. I was still in what I wore yesterday. As we got in late. Thinking of what happened yesterday made me fill up with laughter, oh Serina. A little giggle escaped my lips, I stood up and ruffled my hair, feeling the thick mop on my head. I skipped out of bed and walked straight The my bathroom, seeing my hair in the mirror I gasped at it. I gently placed my hands onto the mirror seeing what my hair had become and what a mess I looked like. I really need a shower stat! I took off my white tank top with a grey crop jacket and a white skirt with soft cotton lacing the rim of the skirt, and beautiful grey pumps with a little elevated heel. And folded it, laying it gently on the bathroom cabinet next to the sink.
Now it was time to tend to my hair and my body!

After getting out of the shower I wrapped myself in a slim towel walking to my bed (that was still unmade) and plugged in my black hairdryer and put it on the 2. Not to hot and not to cold. Drying my white hair with pastel purple tips was always a joy for me. It was like my hair was dancing in the sunrise every flicker, every movement was a new wave of thrill sent through me.

My hair flipped this way and that as the air pushed it over my eyes covering them. I sighed as I knew untangling this would take ages, but I am determined. I reached for my hair brush and gripped it tightly dragging it through every piece of my hair until each section was untangled. Letting my natural curls flow down my shoulder, all the way to the end of my spine, seeing that they were all brushed and neatly done. I grabbed a hair band and pulled my hair up into a crown bun, letting a little strand fall down the side of my face.

I picked up the folded clothes on the bathroom cabinet and held them under my arm and walked out of my bathroom walking through my bedroom then into my wardrobe. I gently placed my white tank top and my grey crop jacket back into the hook they were on and put the white skirt in the cabinet drawer and grey pumps in the shoe rack.

With the towel around my body I grabbed felt around my neck. I still had the wolf tooth I got from the leaders and the heart pendant with me and Serina's picture in it on when I was in the shower. I sighed and clasped the heart necklace tightly.

The reason I always do this is because this was the last ever gift me and Serina got from our parents. I don't know how young we were when they left, one day they were there then the next... Gone. No one knows wheat happened to them. They vanished without a trace.

I don't want to talk about it now, it's too heartbreaking.

I walked straight to my wardrobe. Picking up my running clothes, newly fixed. And let the towel drop to my feet putting my running clothes on, I felt like I was free again. My mind was free.

But one thing still laid thick on my mind. What was so important that Halle missed the meeting. I am so mad at her I could just- suddenly there was a loud bang on my front door downstairs. I was frozen. I slowly began to walk to my closed bedroom door, I tapped into my wolf part making it active not dormant controlling only the senses. I began to use my wolf hearing, I placed my strand of flowing hair behind my ear so I could get a clearer sound. I placed my ear on the wood of my door, feeling the calming sensation of the wood on the top of my ear.

Bang bang bang that's all I could hear, I slowly began to open my door, the slight creek penetrating my eardrums. I winced as I smelt a putrid smell lingering in the air, I inhaled deeply and pointed my nose into the way of the scent. I creeped out of my door slowly watching as my fingers turned into claws and my teeth sharpened, preparing for an attack. And my eyes changed form their natural pastel purple to a crystal light and dark blue ombré (going from light to dark blue). My wolf instincts told me to run, deep into the woods. But I couldn't. I slowly and carefully walked to my sisters room. I tapped into my wolf speed trying to get to her room as fast as I could. But that would take too long and the danger outside would hear So I tapped into our link instead.

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