Chapter 13 / First day... new secrets

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"Serina I love this!" I Screamed flinging my arms in the air.

"Meeee toooo!" She Screamed back pointing to the dragon we were on.

"So do I!" Screamed Halle. Laughing with us as we did.

Before we even knew it the dragon we were on swooped down low to the ground, I screamed in fear that we would fall off then the next minute when I opened my eyes were were gliding to a long, leaning left and right. Hovering over the spring waterfalls, I leaned over and grazed my fingertips on the edge of the water, it felt cool and amazing on my fingers, every drop was a delight.

The Magic Being Hunters. (M.B.H) (or as I prefer to call them by their actual name. Humans.) Will never find us here. We are safe.

"Woah that was scary!" I Shouted.

The castle mansion was becoming more and more into view. Every detail I can examine much more clearly than before. The dragon began to slow its flying, the wings coming to a holt and its legs preparing to land. My eyes squeezed tightly shut, the next thing I knew we were on the ground. I felt me heart beating like 1000 drums. I'm glad and nervous for the school.

I swung my legs round the side of the dragon and jumped straight down to the floor. I'm exhilarated. As everyone around me were off of the dragon ,that including me and Halle and Serina, just within a flick of a switch all of the dragons soared into he air above the skyline and above the clouds. I started in the sky until I couldn't even see a floods of them anymore.

I inhaled deeply, feeling the nerves sink  in. Pressed my hand to my heart, hear beer increasing yet not to bad yet. I could feel my anxiety get stronger and stronger. Suddenly a hand on my shoulder cause me to gasp and jolt quickly. Halle.

"Are you okay? Icy you look nervous." She asked me looking concerned.

Alina-Rona Athnas keep calm... don't show your nerves.

"Y-yeah I am I'm just nervous..." I stuttered keeping my gaze to the ground.

So much as to try and hide my nerves.
She then lifted my chin to face her. Eyes locked and tears forming in my eyes. This is just such a big step. One minuet our home was here then the next it was all gone. This is a very emotional time for me. Halle could see the sadness in my eyes, she then let go of my chin and embraced me in a loving hug. She's my sister at heart. Her and Serina are so important to me in my life, I can't bare if anything happens to them. So this is why I have to be ready now or never. I broke from our hug and gestured for Serina to come here.

"You ready?" She asked
And we all held a triumphant nod.

Then a man with short blonde hair, barely any wrinkles (maybe only one or two) his face was clear and smooth. Walked out of the entrance and stood in the doorway.

When I observed him, he was dressed in a long black robe with the rims of the robe laced with gold about 5 centimetres wide. That looks like something someone important would dress in. He sorted out his cuffs and cleared his throat.

"Attention all newly 14 year old student, welcome to the Naranac Academy. We are lucky to have to here and are sorry to hear about you losses, we hope you will be safe and happy here with us. And we will try everything we can to keep you safe. You have my promise... as the principal of this school, Principal Sequim I hope you enjoy and learn the most you can here and develop your abilities."

He then finished his sentence with a clap and an applause of everyone, and a cheeky bow from him and a smirk.

After him came out 5 people. With a brown robe and the rims of the robe laced silver about 3 centimetres wide. I guess they were not as important as the principal. I didn't even notice that all around us there were all of the boys that came here... but a weird vibe caused me to look behind me.

A boy with auburn ombré hair with pastel blue tips was staring at me with piercing blue lagoon eyes. I felt a weird connection toward us... what could it mean? It was like my whole world was frozen, only me and him were moving. The moment I walked up to him I got a sheering pain electrifying through my entire body.

I yelped in pain but none was there to hear my cries. Then he turned around. I gasped as our eyes locked, and I could feel our souls sharing as one, my energy and his energy flowing equally between us. It was like our souls were one and we were one person. I didn't know what this feeling is... it's weird but I can't explain it. I covered my mouth as he opened his mouth to speak.

"When the sun setts all things have to come to an end..."

What could that mean!? It's too cryptic. I stared deep into his eyes, not daring to look away. Neither did he, I felt bound there in that spot and bound to him! The only way our connection broke was when he put his finger to his lip in a Shh motion. He then winked at me then as I blinked he was... gone.
I tried around to see everyone was moving and speaking as normal. I jumped to feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Come Alina-Rona, there taking us in the school to get our things for the Water Pools Of Gartania." Said Serina smiling at me as I felt like I was dreaming.

What could all of that meant? The only thing I know is that the feeling of when I was with him isn't fading and I need to find out what the cryptic message means. What does it all mean...?

"Hello!" Screamed Serina as she waved her hand in my face getting my attention "come on the Principal Sequim is waiting for us. The other five people in robes took the boys, the principal is wanting to take us girls inside."

With that I walked over to Halle and we all stood in a line right at the front. Step by step I was walking into my new life... my new future! But the only thing that worries me is... who was the boy I met and what was the feeling I felt...?

Velenu U Ward (Naranac Academy Saga) (Poison and Roses)Where stories live. Discover now