Chapter 26 / Denial

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Sebastian's point of view:
I kicked my drawer in frustration. I'm trying to help her! I clenched my hair stretching my arms over my head. If she won't help herself I can't help, she needs to let me in for me to help. But she doesn't trust me. She thinks I'm fake... But the truth is I don't know who or what I am anymore, I was here for a purpose... And it faded when I met her. Alina. I would do anything for her, but she doesn't trust me enough to let me in. I'm know she had deep feelings for me, but showing it (to a wolf) it would mean weakness and she isn't about that... She is strong. I managed to crack her wall enough to see a little bit of her past. I could use it for or against her... It all depends on what she wants... Or what I was told to do. I gave her a clue, she just has to be smart enough to take it. Otherwise I won't have any control over what happens next...

Alina's point of view:
"Class, my name is Professor Misky Birling, I would much rather you call me Misky. I don't mind. Today we will be training your main abilities to their fullest potential. For most of you that is wolf or vampire but for others it's more. Whatever your main ability is go into the section that is marked with your ability."

I quickly ran to the section marked "wolf" where Serena and Gem stood with me. No Halle. She's only fairy and unicorn. Suits her nicely. "So what are we doing here?" I Asked everyone in confusion. This day we are in different sections, I think next time we have this we will as a whole class.

"Okay students all in your groups?" Misky Asked not awaiting an answer "you all know how to use the main abilities to an extent, but fully controlling them to the best of their abilities you do not."

I could see Serina scanning the area nervously. I tapped into our personal link.

"What's wrong?" I Asked.

"Jacob, he looses control. He can't control it. Remember when he enchanted you?" She asked.

"It's because your special, your you. But he needs me now, I think... I think we're... mates." She said as I was taken aback.

"Vamp and wolf? How do you know?" I Asked.

"I just know." She said ending the link.

'Just know' I sighed, if only it was that simple, my thoughts were immediately drawn to Sebastian. One, he's not here and Two, is this is what I'm feeling? There's no way! I can't- I won't! I'm uneasy around him butterfly swelling in my stomach. I know he is planning something... But what? No matter how much I bury and annoy my feelings, I can't escape them. One day I will let them out embracing them, putting down my wall... but today is not that day.

I walked to see Serena clenching hers and Gems hands as we shifted. My eyes changing, my body breaking and mending in different places. Shifting. I collapsed onto the floor feeling the wolf in my veins past life, swirling around me my DNA changing creating a new being... An ARNU. I pounced seeing the world through a wolfs eyes. My wolf. I pounced on top of the light brown wolf. Gem's wolf. Caught ajar by a leather wolf than me, a black wolf.

"Now, your section 20 miles long and 20 miles wide. Now, I have set out many things for you to find, as a group or a pack work to find them. Use the senses, no other abilities only your main ones. The things you need to find are marked with a red 'X' all you need to do is take them back to the starting point of your section. Rules, no attacking or going into other groups sections. That is all now go!" Said Misky.

I'm the alpha. I let out a small commanding growl as Serina tried to go. She obeyed. Gem waiting for my orders, I pulled y muzzle to the sky letting out a howl one by one, me in the middle I set off. Serina and Gemini trailing behind me, I used my sense of smell, triangulating Misky's scent to the first cross, so earth beneath my paws and the Sun shining through the over covering leaves, trees everywhere, the leaves are slightly frosted over in this mix of weather I think it's near winter... I'm not quite sure. I swerved through the trees and branches jumping over fallen logs. A little while across I saw a light red glow and a must of sent around that tree. Misky. To a wolf it's a golden sparkly colour, but but to any other ARNU or human it seems as though there is nothing there. Only a wolf can see the particular colour of the scent. Only if they are in wolf form. And only if it's fresh, if it's not it loses its colour, the only problem is if you aren't trying to find scent you can stumble upon it randomly.

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