Chapter 20 / Hidden Past

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I was right. Our robes were already delivered. On my way back up here I heard people calling me a 'freak' and avoiding me at any cost. Thinking I am a danger to them. The thing is, I may blame them I don't even know myself. I don't know who I am anymore. I lifted my robe from off of my bed, night sky black with the schools logo on the left. A silver dragon. Like what was on the scroll, swirling around an 'N', gold and stitched with these giving it a unique touch. The silver dragons detail was divine and spectacular, it was their logo. A dragon with an N. I felt so happy and ecstatic seeing it, the dragons tail had many spines going all the way from the tips of its head to the end of its tail. It curved around the bottom of the N flicking it to the side. At the cuffs there was a silver stripe going all around it, 1cm in diameter and thickness. I quickly read the note under it.

'Male and Female, you decide what conditions to wear the robes. Males jumper or not. Females cardigan or not.'

Placing down the note I pulled on the robe, over my cardigan feeling it sculpt my body perfectly. This robe was not nearly as amazing as the principals but it is still perfect. I felt the silk on my skin, it was soft yet well... silky! We made it back with 15 minuets to spare I think. So now that brings me to the important situation, Gems results.

"Gem." I questioned as she was sorting out her robe on her body. Fitting her posture and body.

"Yeah? What's up?" She asked me in reply sitting on the foot of her bed as I sat down next to her.

"What were your results?" I asked her. She immediately went to under her bed, handing me her book. The same colour as mine. I looked at it intensely before opening it.


*Part human: (she has pure hot pink hair and hot pink eyes.)
* Part werewolf: (she has pure light brown fur and her eyes change from their natural hot pink to a very light grey eyes. She has all of the wolf senses as they are increased more than the natural wolf (hearing, smell, sight, touch, and taste. When she shifts, the wolf fixes anything wrong with her. When she is 16 she turns immortal due to the werewolf part of her, she still ages)
* Part demon: (She has dark grey wings. Her eyes change from their natural hot pink to pure black. She has the powers of flight and when she is 16 she gets the power of eternal youth. Which means she won't look old as she will always look like a 16 year old. When she uses this power.)

Does her hair change?:

Things that can effect uncontrollability of the change:
Temperature and seasons can sometimes effect the change, they normally change whenever they want however when it is a certain degree of temperature(basically any strong temperatures cold or hot) the change comes unexpectedly. And sometimes they can't control when it happens. And sometimes they can. Normally in the colder seasons it's much harder to control the shift.

Mood can effect the change as-well basically any strong emotions can cause a sudden uncontrollable shift that was not planned or prepared for, and can't be controlled.

However sometimes if you are lucky for the seasons, temperature and mood the wolf can be controlled for a certain amount of time before the full change takes over and becomes fully uncontrollable.

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