Chapter 3 / Serina Athnas

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When we walked into the seamstress there was many clothings on wracks and many clothing's in tumble dryers and washing machines and lots of fabric and sowing machines laying around on counters. And at the end of a hall was a curtain and out came the seamstress. Violet. She had light skin and had a very serious face most of the time, however this time she was annoyed.

"Let me guess you shifted in your clothes again?" She asked sternly

I put my head to the ground in shame.
Halle was now frustrated too. She then walked right up to Violet and said

"No actually she was attacked by humans so I would appreciate it if you wouldn't ask and do your job!"
That made violet shut up and me pull a little smirk on my face along with Halle.

Violet still wasn't that understanding about my ripped clothing however Halle managed to sort things out. So now we were just leaving the seamstress to go to the Clan Bunker Leaders. I began to feel anxious and scared as we began to make our way to the towns square.

That's where all of the important ARNU live and the rich ARNU get their clothing and food from there. I guess you might be wondering why Violet a 14 year old is working. Well, the solution is quite simple to help us get things done in this society there are many jobs such as
Resource Gatherers (get the woods and building things)
Hunters (get the food)
Cobbler (fixes shoes)
Clay makers (pots and pottery)
Interior designers
Exterior designers
Shop keepers
Water collectors
Water filters
Trainers (train you in combat)
Clan leaders (our government)

You can only be elected for Clan leaders and even that hasn't happened in over 100 years. The reason I was out of the bunker a few hours ago was because I was trying to find some food and go out for a little run whilst I was at it. I'm a Hunter I gather not only meats but herbs, fruits and vegetables if I can find them. As a hunter I was supposed to have my bow and arrow with me, however the string broke I only just managed to get it fixed. Then yesterday I had to resort to old fashioned hunting. You can see how that went.

Luckily for me I had the best trainer in the world and it was- I was cut off from my thoughts when a girl with white ombré hair and pastel blue tips came running to me with pastel blue eyes. And that was my twin sister. Serina Athnas who taught me everything she knows in combat.

Halle stood there then shakes Serinas hand and have her a big hug.

"Hiya Halle." Said Serina first bumping Halle

"Hi Serina, Alina-Rona I have to go and do my shift in the seamstress okay I will meet you at the towns square okay?" She asked I nodded and

"Hey sis." Said Serina welcoming me in her arms with a big hug.

"Hey Serina how are you?" I Asked eagerly to change the subject. When I suddenly remembered she was there with me in the forest when the humans attacked.

"I'm fine but the real question is are you okay?"

I didn't answer.

"I'm scared Serina what if they come back?" I Asked Holding back tears.
Serina then pulled me into a hug, and I rested my chin on her shoulder.

I finally pulled away from her and then Serina suggested that we go to the woods to cool down and refresh our minds before going to the towns square to talk to the Narnu Clan Bunker Leaders.

"But Serina-." I was hesitant because of what happened a few hours ago. She put her finger to my lip stopping me from finishing my sentence.

"No buts c'mon you can't beat me!" She removed her finger from my lip and turned around making her way back to the gate of the bunker in her running clothes, everyone had the exactly the same running clothes, the only differences were the sizes and body shapes of the clothes, however miraculously her running clothes were not ripped or had any holes in them. I guess she had a safe way back to the bunker.

I noticed her beckoning me with a hand gesture for me to follow her as she slowed her pace for me to catch up to her. There was no way i was going to let her win, because I don't have my running clothes I will just have to run in my white tank top with a grey crop jacket and a white skirt with soft cotton lacing the rim of the skirt, and beautiful grey pumps with a little elevated heel. Which is what I have in right now.

I quickly straightened my hair and moved it out of my way of my eyes placing it behind my ear, I then made my way to her letting the wind make my hair flow behind me in gorgeous waves.

"I'm coming for you Serina!" I screamed as I was right on her tail right where the entrance/ exit to the bunker was.

"Ha keep dreaming!" She Screamed behind me

I then ran to the left tree and placed my hand onto the lock as I did before, but this time I was on the inside of the bunker. And Serina ran to the right one. Then the forcefield disappeared like thin air. The castle like entrance was revealed and the gate began to go up and reveal a wide open forest. I got the heads up and managed to squeeze past Serina and run into the wilderness.

"Catch me if you can!" I squealed, Whilst running faster and faster. Tapping into my wolf part of me by controlling it and making it no longer dormant it is now active. I can normally do this as an instinct but sometimes it's more harder than others to tap into the wolf part of me. I could feel the wolf flowing through me, glowing in my blood. I began to use my wolf speed and my wolf senses making me go faster and making it as thought I am more detectable and alert to the things around me.

The crisp summer breeze blew across my face. I love it! I then heard a twig break as I was in mid run, I twisted around and was spotted by a pure pitch black wolf with light and dark gold ombré eyes (going from light gold to dark gold.) Serina. She pulled a grin with her mouth and bared her teeth at me. Threatening me. Challenging me to submit.

I wasn't going to back down. I began to shift my hand turning into paws and I began to grow a luscious pure white fur coat with crystal light and dark blue ombré eyes (going from light blue to dark blue.) I was jumping around with my four paws flat on the ground. I had shifted. I then tapped into our special twin/wolf bond.

"Are you ready to loose and submit?" I Asked Serina tauntingly as I was pouncing around like a little cub.

"Are you?" She asked me circling me as I stopped pouncing around.

"On the count of three" I said snarling and growling and curling Serina.

"One" Serina said getting ready to pounce

"Two" I said now planing my plan

At the same time we both shouted "Three!"

I then pounced onto my pray...

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