Chapter 11 / The Voyage into the ruins

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We finally got there and the town square was jam packed with people standing and sitting on chairs, and at the very front there was a pedestal with the remaining clan bunker leaders from every bunker, And the three Elite Clan Bunker Leaders. All of the leaders from the Narnu bunker (my bunker) managed to get out with a few scratches and bruises. They all looked so majestic.

Even though this wasn't nearly as many ARNU as there was before the attack there was still quite a few left. People pushed and shoved their way to the front, trying to get a good view. Im sure maybe 10 people shoved into me and winded me. We didn't even make it past one row of people and were shoved to the back of the crowd.

I'm sure maybe once or twice I managed to growl at some people to get them to stop pushing us. Luckily we didn't have to go through that mob for long because an Elite Clan Bunker Leader separated the crowd with a lift of his hand. Creating a clear path for us to get the front to. I hesitated.

He had very dark jet black hair no longer than the back of his neck, and porcelain skin. Beautiful and flawless facial features, part vampire maybe? And part angel? Possibly. Red eyes confirmed my suspicions on vampire.

"Come forth children. My name is Zanoth I mean you no harm, you, the younger generation of ARNU is what matters the most, come to the front this is about you."

Holding Serina's hand and walking beside Halle gave me the courage to come forward. As I did many people were in awe at my unnatural white ombré hair with pastel purple tips and my unnatural pastel purple eyes. I kept my head down trying bot to draw attention to myself. It wasn't working.

Serina noticed my distress and tapped into our link discreetly.

"Ali it's okay don't be afraid me and Halle are here." She said comfortingly

"I'm just scared about the future" I said petrified

"Don't be as long as we have each over we will be fine Okay?" Serina said calmly

"Okay." I said slightly uplifted

I then stopped the link.

I didn't even notice we were at the front until I saw the glad and bubbly smile of Zanoth. He gestured to three seats empty, we didn't waste a second and claimed those seats and sat down so he could talk.

"Welcome children, survivors, protectors, we have called this meeting to discuss the very important matter." Said the Elite Clan Bunker leader on the left of Zanoth.

I think her name is Arli. She has flawless features, tanned skin and auburn hair (cut down to her shoulders) with light blue eyes. She had her hair pinned back to show off her features. Part angel and unicorn? Yes that's right I think.

The Elite Clan Bunker on the right to Zanoth finished her sentence.

"As you have known we have beeen attacked by the humans, most of us have perished but the ones that are left have grown stronger! We will get past this. However, to ensure the younger generations safety we have organised a one way trip..."

I have heard his name is Cauizs. He had pure blonde hair and again flawless skin and flawless features. His hair was slicked back, and held in place with the help of gel. He had hypnotising green eyes and was some what tanned like Arli and pale like Zanoth. He was in the middle I guess.
I think he is part wizard and Dragon light.

Zanoth then rose to speak . I think he is the leader of the Elite Clan Bunker leaders.

"A one way trip to the NARANAC ACADEMY for all of those that we will call out, applicants start from the age of 13 or 14, they age of acceptance has been lowered two years given the circumstances. All I read out must go back into the ruins of their bunkers and gather things that have survived that they might need."

"We have gotten confirmation that it is safe to go to the bunkers now. All of the unexploded bombs have been removed and the fire has been put out. Hurry you only have one hour, a guide will take you there just to ensure your safety. Everyone has great potential. You can live up to it and have a better future!"

Every even me and Serina and Halle gave them a standing novation and clapped our hearts away.

Arli then held out a scroll the paper tinted yellow and the handles had gold specks in every section of the swirl pattern. She began to read out the names.

"Males first,
Broney (male)
Carlio (m)
Maven (m)
Kilorn (m)
Trim (m)
Calrios (m)
Blue (m)
Samos (m)
Dezuu (m)
Carlos (m)"

"The male adolescent may now go and gather things from their Bunker hurry now." Said Zanoth smiling.

How can someone smile at this time. I will never know.

~ ~ ~ ~

In about 30 minuets of waiting all of the boys were back with all of their things they wanted to take. Then they walked up to the pedestal and stood in a line from name order. Cauizs lifted his hands In he air above his head and made a screaming sound, it echoed around the entire towns square, then I looked up.

The sky was filled with all types of dragons, each and every one different from the rest. I was just so shocked I've heard about them but never have I seen one with my own eyes! It was gorgeous. One by one the dragons landed on the ground by the pedestal each awaiting their command.

Cauizs gestured for the first two boys to get on of the dragons backs, then the next two were on another dragons backs, then another two, then another, then the final two, once each of them were on securely Cauizs made another piercing sound then off they went.

"Now the females,
Dalia (female)
Laura (f)
Gemini (f)
Ruby (f)
Sapphire (f)
Crystal. (F)
Alibi (f)
Mare (f)
Halle (f)
Serina (f)
Alina (f)"

I gulped as my hands began to shake slightly, I tried to hide them from Serina and Halle. A fail. Halle saw my hands. She clasped them in hers stopping them from shaking, she whispered in my ear,

"it's okay Icy, I'm here for you."

I nodded slowly. Walking up to the pedestal holding Serina and Halle's hands up there.

"All of the called out applicants are on the pedestal, The female adolescent may now go and gather things from their Bunker hurry now, we only have thirty minuets left." Said Zanoth again more cheerfully then before.

I will never know how he is happy most of the time.

Zanoth gestured for everyone to go to their bunkers to get their things. All three of us hurriedly walked down the stairs of the silver pedestal and made our way back to the Narnu Clan Bunker, hopefully there is things we can salvage.

I broke into a run, not caring about anything, I just wanted to be free, the wilderness is me and I am it, I could feel the breeze on my face the smell of the leaves, the feel of the grass, my trainers didn't hold me back, the friction didn't hold me back, nothing could. I am so free nothing can compare.

Im free forever, I connected to my wolf part making it active not dormant... my eyes changing form their pure natural  pastel purple to pure crystal light and dark blue ombré eyes (going from light blue to dark blue) there was no time to waste, I jumped over a fallen tree log and landed in my wolf, my white fur beautiful in the moon light, I ran, faster than I have ever ran before... to the ruins of my bunker.

Velenu U Ward (Naranac Academy Saga) (Poison and Roses)Where stories live. Discover now