Chapter 17 / Into the depths

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I felt around. I was dry. Everywhere was black. My breath rasp and coming out in short icy stabs. My head aches I rubbed my temples soothingly. Where am I? What happened? I turned around, looking for any sort of exit. When I stopped the world kept spinning and spinning around me. All the time spinning and spinning. Nothing but spinning until every inch of black dispersed and turned into a blue sky, not a cloud in sight.

I felt the grass on my toes, I looked down no uniform. Inside in its place was a white night gown. Where am I now? I slowly walked forward meeting a bendy willow tree, the trunk curving and swerving over a cliff, each branch following in its steps. I looks around, i was in a field, nothing abnormally weird except the tree.

In the distance I could immediately hear this loud high pitched scream of distress, I scanned the area. I ran to the tree where he sound was coming from, my hands grabbing onto the back of the tree, bending over a cliff, more like a Grand Canyon, I contemplated my choices, what should I do? It could've a trap by the humans? But on the other hand it could be an ARNU in distress. I have no other option than to climb. I hailed myself up upon it. This should give me a good advantage point.

I held in abruptly wrapping my legs around he branch, I sniffed the air feeling the world within me stir at the wilderness. I inhaled the scent deeply, the scent smelt so... odd. Something isn't right, I edged closer to the end of the branch. Placing my hands around it, feeling the ragged and bumpy texture of the branch. Another sniff. The scent growing stronger. The noise and screams getting louder until-

"Help!" Screamed a terrified girlish voice (I think)

Her voice sounded in pain. My heart began to pump and the adrenaline began to swirl around my body. My wolf inside me, turning into a protective way. A warning. A warning of danger! I can't just leave her! I have to help. Again, another deep sniff locking onto the scent. I located her.

I stared down at the cliff. About 50 meters down. Okay, okay I can do this! One step at a time, I edged right to the end of the branch, feeling it began to weaken, I could now see a good view of the girl, brunette, short hair, down to her shoulders, cut face, cut legs, cut arms, and a cut on her head. Only a little cut on her head.

How did she end up here? Cliff climbing maybe? Fell down? Then where is her rope? Trying to impress someone? No ones here except me and her, so who is there to impress. I don't know what it could be. Anything that got her into this predicament I don't care right now, I can't leave her here I have to get her to safety. Clinging onto the jagged rocks for dear life with only her torn spots top and leggings... like what a HUMAN would wear. My wolf stirred at the mention of a human and threatened to be set free...

Breathe, Breathe, keep it inside!

I breathed  in slowly trying to keep my wolf contained. At least it wasn't a Magical.Beings.Hunter (M.B.H). I could feel my wolf begin to settle at the human. That is why this situation felt odd, I guess. But somewhere deep inside me it still felt off, I can't explain it but I just know.

I built up the courage to cup my hands around my mouth to project my voice,

"Hello!" I screamed at her as she looked up with tears streaks clear on her face "I'm coming to get you!" I finished as she stuttered as she spoke.

"P-please H-Hurry!" She Screamed In panic as the rocks she held on for deep life began to crumble.

She stared to hyperventilate, I could see she was panicking. I need to get her to calm down, my legs tightly wrapped around the end of the branch I gently breathe in before flinging myself forward. I could feel the cold air hit my face as the adrenaline increased and my hear sped up, my top half of my body dangling over the cliff. I loosened my legs slightly, reaching some further.

Velenu U Ward (Naranac Academy Saga) (Poison and Roses)Where stories live. Discover now