Chapter 9 / In darkness there is light...

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The last vivid image I remember is lying there and before my eyes fully shut I saw a black wolf with gold eyes. Sniffing at me, then using its snout to lift up my body prompting me onto its back. Then my eyes fluttered shut. Every time they fluttered open I saw a different scenery. A different feeling. A different everything.

The forest.
Mid day sun glowing
Our destroyed bunker.
The wolf's black fur.
A camouflaged Bunker.
The clearing.
A bunker door.
Then BLACK...

Beep beep beep, that's all I heard over and over it kept on going beep, beep, beep, my eyes fluttered open and refused to focus, my eyes saw something bright and emitting light. Still not focusing. I then looked at my self.

I was in this white and blue poke-a-dot gown... if I'm in this where were my running clothes!? Oh god I torn most of the leggings again... Violet isn't going to be happy, if she survived the attack. Thinking back to that made my eyes swell up with tears. To the left of me was a desk with my clothes folded up and... fixed!

Wow I have to thank who fixed them for me, I felt my neck my tooth necklace with a silver wolf on it was still around my neck, and so was my golden heart locket that me and Serina had, I clasped it tightly in my hands closing my eyes and letting a few tears roll down my face... I miss my parents.

I quickly wipes my tears away and let go of heart pocket, letting it fall back onto my neck.

I scanned my surroundings, now I could see all of the vivid details of the room, walls plastered with swirls and patters like a tree branch swirling and curving around every bend. There were beautiful flower lights illuminating the room, to my left there were light purple floral walls separating each hospital bed. And at the door of my bed there was a very floral door.

I felt a thing on my wrist. I looked down on my left wrist all I saw was a white plastic band that had my details on it and my allergies. And in the bend of my elbow there was also a drip inputting fluids and blood into me. OWCH! I stared at my feet. No socks. My feet were bare and on my face (along with my flawless face and freckles) was an oxygen tube going up my nose, across my cheekbones then over my ears and behind my back all the way connection to a machine controlling my oxygen level and giving me straight up oxygen. No carbon dioxide in sight.

With hesitation I looked at my leg, what I saw was immaculate. There was no wound left only a small scar on my thigh, it's not even noticeable. The scar was only 25 centimetres, I was pretty sure that it would have been so much bigger. That's a relief.

Now all I need to know is how I got here and what happened. Wait... where's Serina!? Where's Halle!? Despite all of this I am still mad at her, although her loyalty and trust is broken between me and her I d want to know the reason... then maybe we can try and fix the trust and loyalty we lost.

I was so deep in thought I didn't even hear the nurse with a white jacket and skirt come in to remove the needle from my arms. I winced as she began to pull it out. God It stung.

"Sorry ma'am I didn't mean to make it painful please put pressure on that with this cotton ball please."

She instructed as she placed the cotton ball on my arms and cello-taped it securely.

I did as she asked and put pressure on it, she then took the drip and exited the door. As she did another person came in. Serina. My eyes filled with love and hope as she ran to me embracing me in a loving hug.

Tears slid down our faces.
Through a middle of tears I managed to talk to Serina.

"Serina What happened to the Narnu Clan bunker? Is everything destroyed? How did we get the humans to go? How did I get here? Why were you a wolf? Where's Halle? Is she okay? Where am I? Was it just our Bunker?" What is going to happen now?"

Serina wiped away my and her tears then sat at the door of the bed. A discombobulated look on her face.

"Woah! Slow down Alina, one question at a time.
First, the bunker was attacked by humans.
Two, most things are destroyed but there is ruins and things left unscathed. Three, after the attack when the humans were satisfied with the amount of chaos and destruction they cause they just left before we could attack them.
Four, I carried you here on my back as a wolf.
Five, I was a wolf because it was the only way I could to you in-time.
Six, I don't know where Halle is I think she got separated from us as we all did because of the bombs.
Seven, I don't know if she is okay search party's have been sent for people that didn't make it here.
Eight, we are in the decoy bunker at the infirmary.
Nine, no it wasn't just our bunker, they found every bunker and attacked all of them, Sadly Only a few ARNU managed to get away from their bunkers. Most of us perished.
Ten, I don't know what is going to happen now all I know is that the Elite clan leaders called all of the Clan Bunkers inhabitants to this decoy bunker if they weren't already here. To discuss what will happen to us now, and they are the ones who requested a search party to find the few ARNU that survived the attack and were lost and didn't manage to get to the decoy bunker."

That was a lot to comprehend. I can't believe this. Our home is gone... at least we have each-over and out gift from our parents...

"Serina." I said as I realised something. "Our running clothes is all we had on!"

Serina couldn't contain herself she began to giggle at my outburst of panic.

"Oh Ali, don't panic they are all letting people go back into their bunkers to look for and gather things from their homes that survived, after they have made sure everything is safe." She said holding my hand comfortingly.

That eased my nerves a little bit. I was still so worried about Halle... I hope she's okay...

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