2: The First Dinner

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"Um, hello." Jumin wasn't quite sure how he got here at this point, nor if he wanted to stay here. But the woman before him was stunning. And he had paid a lot of money to get you to sit in front of him. So he figured that he might as well use the time.

"Hello, Mr. Han, sir." You smiled sweetly at him as you held you hand out to him placidly, easily falling into the role he had requested. "My name is YN. Do you have a preference for what I call you?"

He took your hand, marveling at how soft it was.

"Well, I'm not sure. I haven't done this before." He admitted quietly.

"That is very common for me, sir." You comforted him. "I am actually a very common choice for the first time."

"Oh?" He tilted his head to the side. "And why do you suppose that is?"

"Because there isn't a lot that I will say no to, sir." You giggled and picked up your fork delicately.

Jumin sipped at his wine, beginning to feel uncomfortable with the way you were addressing him. You weren't his employee. Or perhaps you were... Regardless, the "sir" had to go. He wasn't going to be enchanted by it.

"Mr. Han is fine for now." He mentioned, clearing his throat.

"Mr. Han, how are you enjoying your dinner? You haven't seemed to eat much of it." You noted. "Are you nervous?"

He looked at your concerned face and appreciated it deeply.

"Why yes... I am feeling just a bit nervous." He admitted. "Do you feel nervous at all?"

You hesitated. Your role would have said how timid and scared you were. But you honestly weren't nervous at all. This was your job. It would have been silly to be nervous.

"I'm always just a bit nervous when I meet new people, but otherwise it's simply another day." You admitted. "It is not my first time, however, like it is yours. Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable, Mr. Han?"

Mr. Han didn't feel quite right either. But Jumin seemed incredibly informal. He couldn't bring himself to request you use that name yet.

"No, I suppose not..." He admitted, drinking more wine, feeling more intoxicated than usual. He knew he should probably stop, but it was hard to not drink something that would lower his high inhibitions.

But you watched him. You made sure he would be okay.

"Mr. Han, how was your day today?" You asked him, carefully.

"You know," His head swam with a touch of alcohol, "I have these friends, and they're not very nice to me. Today, they teased me incessantly about being gay."

"Did that bother you?" You asked him.

"Yes, very much so." He sniffed.

"Why?" You asked after another bite of food.

"Because I am not! And I said I was not and they continued to have a whole conversation about it as if I was not right there." He slammed his cup down on the table, nearly breaking it. "If they are going to ignore me, I'd at least like something productive to come out of it."

"I won't ignore you, Mr. Han." You smiled and reached your hand across the table to lightly touch his. "Would you like to go back to your room?"

He eyed his empty wine glass. He had more back in the hotel room he rented.

"Sure. That would be acceptable."

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