Chapter 7

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Kageyama is sleeping soundly in his bedroom when his alarm goes off. Sure it was summer break for school, but not for volleyball.

Kageyama sluggishly gets out of bed and makes his way to the kitchen, not bothering to hide his ears and tail. He hears the sound of two sets of bear feet walk up behind him, when he turns around he sees a very tired Hinata being dragged by a very angry Luna. "My Prince, I have woken the human up" she bows finally letting go of Hinata "what time is it?" Hinata groans attempting to sound irritated but failing. "It's 6:30, Hinata, we have to get to the gym," the tall states as if it was obvious.
"My Prince, May I accompany you?" Luna interrupts "only if you can hide your ears and tail." Kageyama shoots back "wait" Hinata butts in.
"Your Majesty, couldn't we just explain it to them like you did with this one?"
"No. They won't understand"
"Wait!" Hinata says a little louder than intended, but it still gets their attention either way. "Why can't she just hide her ears and tail like you?" Hinata asks "Because I'm not of royal blood" Luna answers "Hinata, only those of the royal family can hide their ears and tail, but everyone else can change into cats as a form of defence." Kageyama intersects before the red-head can say anything. "Well I could come as your cat couldn't I, your majesty" Luna suggests turning back into her cat form.

———Time skip to the gym———

Sugawara is talking to Daichi when he brings up "Do you think Kageyama is feeling better? Should we visit him? Is Hinata actually caring for him? Will he-" he is cut off by Daichi slyly sliding his hand into Sugas', as to not attract suspicion from their teammates. "They'll be fine."

As soon as Daichi said that, the two burst through the door gasping for air "I won!" Kageyama yells once he catches his breath "UGHH!" Hinata groans having a tantrum "MUM!" The small male runs to Suga "he cheated!"
'Meow' the grey kitten interrupts. This surprises everyone, they look up to see Kageyama with a grey cat on his shoulder, "do you wanna get down?" The tall male asks earning another meow in reply.

When Kageyama realises the team is in shock he sighs and announces "my mum is in town and she doesn't like cats, so I had to bring Luna to the club. Sorry for the inconvenience!" He bows to his senpais, who just ran over and began to pet the kitten.

————Time skip————

"Kageyama!!" Hinata yells at the top of his lungs, and Kageyama sends him a toss. The ball lands with a satisfactory sound.
"Kageyama!" Hinata runs over "Did you see that! It went like 'wooosh'! And then-"
"Kageyama," Daichi calls "Your phones ringing" Kageyama sighs as he walks over to the side by his towel and water bottle. He answers the phone, without looking who had called, and says "Hello" he pauses, but after no response he tries again "Hel-"
"Tobs!" His mother exclaimed through the phone "I've done it!"
"You've done what, mother?" By the sheer mention of his mother, Hinata makes his way to Kageyama and yells loud enough for the phone to pick up "HI MISS KAGEYAMA!" Kageyama sighs in annoyance and holds the phone to Hinatas' ears for his mother to greet back.

After Hinata had left back to practice, Kageyama asks "So, what have you done?"
"I've found you your husband!" Kageyama blanks then realised what his mother said "MUM! WHAT THE FUCK! IM NOT EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO GET MARRIED!" He yells and hangs up. After the outburst of laughter from the team Kageyama stormed out Luna not close behind.

Tobio ran off behind the school building which is the only place he could go. Once he was sure he was hidden, he transforms back to his Neko form (which is more comfortable to be in than his human form) and Luna does the same.

"Hey" She starts soothingly "don't worry, if her highness picked him out than he's got to be good."
"You don't get it!" Kageyama pouts, "I don't get what? You can tell me anything, we've been friends since we were kittens." Luna comforts "I'm here"
"I'm not ready for marriage! I don't want to lead a kingdom! I don't want to be forced into a loveless marriage and have kittens!" Kageyama is crying at this point and Luna is hugging him, trying her best to calm him down "I know you love him, but he's human." She blurts our without thinking and Kageyama knows exactly who she's talking about.

"How did-"

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