Chapter 18

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He went straight home -to the Kazens'- and never told a soul.


After Kageyama is finished he stares around at his teammates - no- he thinks to himself - his family. He realises that his story has shocked many around the room, including his alpha and starts to panic. What if they think I'm disgusting? What if they hate that I'm an omega? What if they chuck me off the team? What if- his train of thought is cut off by a soft voice, "Kageyama?" He barely registers the voice as Lunas' as he whimpers in reply - suddenly overwhelmed by the scents of all the people in the room. It isn't the scents that are overwhelming themselves, it's the fact that he registers the team as his family and they don't have his scent on them. "Hey, what's wrong?" Shoyou asks softly, Kageyama mewls and his tail flicks with urgency. "Wait," Kazen calls out, softly (as hard as they may seem to most because of her salty personality) as to not startle Tobio anymore, "let him do his thing. He might need to scent us." Everyone looks lost at this, but they listen to her anyway.

The neko prince does exactly as predicted and pulls Luna to sit on the floor with him. Then he begins to rub his scent glands -which are located on his lower neck, by his shoulder- against the girl. Soon enough she smells like him and he pulls Yui down next. Then Tanaka. Then Nishinoya. Then Asahi -who was very embarrassed. Then Sugawara, who laughed claiming 'it tickles'. Then Daichi. Then Yamaguchi. Now Tsukishima. As he is pulled to the floor he shouts "get the fuck off of me, stupid cat!" Kageyama hisses and continues his scenting, much to the salty boys dismay.

Before Tobio could pull him down, Hinata sits next to him and lifts his neck for the omegas scenting assault. Everyone grins (apart from one salty boi) and looks at the two as Kageyama scents his with less urgency than the others.

"Alpha..." breathes Kageyama in relief, leaving everyone speechless. Nobody has ever heard him address Hinata as that before and now that the others now what it means, they're all left confused. "I'm here, my omega." The ginger says back to him. "I'll always be here."

"Ahem." Daichi clears his throat getting some death glares from various people for ruining the moment, "class starts soon and we need to pack up."


It's the final lesson of the day and they are currently sitting in their class waiting for their teacher for Literature. By 'they' I mean Kageyama and Hinata. The freak duo. Luna and Kazen are both entertaining themselves in the girls volleyball changing room, at the moment and Kageyama would be worried if he didn't have the knowledge that the pair are obviously pining for each other and either haven't figured it out yes or are too stubborn to admit it. He inwardly smirks at the great setup.

It was at this moment that the teacher enters the room, effectively snapping the boy from his thoughts and he notices-embarrassingly- that whilst he was thinking he had been staring at the orangette beside him (who was too focused on his drawing of a raven to care) and looks away toward the teacher, fighting the blush off his face. He wins, thankfully. "Good morning, senses" the class says collectively (snapping Hinata from his concentrated trance) "morning everyone." Sensei replies.

After the register, (A/N I'm British and it's called a register here. It's when the teacher calls everyone's name to see who's here.) she announces that they're creating poems and teaches them about the different things to understand about it. Tobio tunes it all out, he's learned this already and he's already thinking of a poem to write. "Alright class, I want everyone to write a poem," that earned groans from nearly the entire class whilst Kageyama was silently cheering as he had just finished his, "it can be about anything you want. As long as it's a poem." Kageyama just lays his head on his desk and pretends to sleep as to keep his persona if not caring up. It's hard work.

Seeing the 'sleeping' boy the teacher smirks evilly and announces, "Seeing as Kageyama seems to find it enjoyable to sleep in my class, he will be reading his poem out to the class." Oh no thinks Kageyama. Oh no! "C'mon now, no need to be shy!" She calls from the front of the class.
He gets up from his seat and heads to the front of the class.
Here goes nothing.

"My poem is called Time, I hope you enjoy." He cringes, 'enjoy' was definitely not the right word to use! The class goes silent in waiting, so he begins -confidence shining through.

"Time is slow,
Time is fast,
Time is precious.

Time is the present,
Time is the past,
Time is the future,
Time is important.

Time is forever,
Time will always last,
Time is needed,
Time is everything I'm not."

The classroom is silent when he finishes reading, everyone staring at him in concern (and pity but let's not talk about that) and that's when the bell decides to go and suddenly everyone is more focused on getting home than what just happened -and for once Kageyama can't help, but feel relieved at that.

Now time for volleyball!

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