Chapter 16

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As Kageyama waits at the end of the split path to both his and his fiancé's houses, he meows quietly to his two companions -still on his shoulder.

"Tobioooo!" Comes a shout from behind him and he smiles, "hey sho, ready?" The older boy only nods in return and greets Kazen and Luna a good morning as well.


When they had changed -the girls standing guard outside- and were going to open the door they hear a hiss and the black-haired male throws open the door... only to reveal the Captain and vice-captain, he is immediately attacked in a hug by the latter.

"YOU GUYS ARE OKAY!!" He shouts happily and not before long they are all on the court doing warmups.
"Oh, look who actually showed up from being 'ill' " a certain blonde git says using quotation marks around ill. "Tsukki, don't be mean." Yamaguchi chastises.

Kageyama, Hinata, Daichi and Sugawara had all been practicing for around fifteen minutes before the other first years entered. "Nice to see you too.." mumbles Kageyama angrily a scowl planted on his face, the two cats hiss from the edge of the court where they were sitting -deep in discussion- before the two had come in.

The blonde got snorts in amusement, pushing his black-rimmed, square glasses further up his nose as he smirks in a teasing manner "awww, made some more stray kitty friends, have you?" The three Neko's in the room glare and if looks could kill, Yamaguchi swears Tsukki would be 6 feet under. "Is that because you can sympathise with them? You know, being that people have thrown you all out at some point."

"HOW DARE YOU?!" A certain black-haired person screams from as they storms up to the pompous dick, who is suppressing a face of surprise, but the others in the room -ignoring Hinata and Kageyama- couldn't suppress it because they had seen their cloud of blue smoke before they transformed.

Kageyama quickly hurried over to hold the beta back. "Calm down," he chirps in a soft voice, his own ears coming out instinctively. "Shit..." he mutters when he realises and at that moment the rest of the team come in and freeze at the scene before them: an angry -girl?- being held back by Kageyama, a grey kitten glaring murderously at Tsukishima, the captain, vice-captain and Yamaguchi in shock, a very very angry Hinata, but most shockingly Kageyama and the person he was holding back both had cat ears and tails?!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Yell the two stupid second years -also known as Tanaka and Nishinoya- as Ennoshita makes his way over to Kageyama and the other angry cat person. "You guys okay?" He whispers to which Kageyama nods and the angry one looks away quickly calms themselves "you can let go" they mutter to the prince.

"I believe we are owed an explanation," the captain states calmly as the the team (along with Kazen and Luna, still in cat form,) gather in a circle.

"This is going to be a long story..." Tobio starts. "We have an hour..." Says Asahi nervously.

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