Chapter 22

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Now the only thing to ponder is, what the fuck does Suga (the teams co-captain) want with him?


The silver-haired teen sits down next to Kageyama and smiles encouragingly at him. "You're studying? That's a nice change." Then that smile transforms to a smirk, "you better not be hiding a volleyball magazine behind that book." Kageyama chuckles at his senpais behaviour and relaxes himself.

"What do you need, Suga-senpai?" The boy in question, almost instantly, becomes serious and turns accusing eyes on the younger of the two. "Why are you avoiding Hinata?" The question catches him off guard, they've noticed. They've noticed enough to ask questions, this could be dangerous.

"I'm not avoiding him." He lies because that's all he can do. He's backed into a corner and this is the only way to get out. Sugawara glares at him -he glares- and Tobio suddenly wishes Daichi-san were here to calm him down. "Don't lie to me." He says in an eerily calm voice, his normally warm brown eyes, that look like melted chocolate, now frozen over and cold. "He told us, you know, about the engagement." The co-captain pauses, "is that why you're avoiding him like this?"

The offence at the question hits him with full force, how dare he?! How dare he?! 'My loyalty for alpha is stronger than you'll ever believe, human!' His omega screams in distress, but Kageyama is in shock -did Sugawara really just question his loyalty for alpha..? "I... that's not... I-" tears blur the Nekos' vision as his omega recoils from the actual thought of disappointing alpha.


Sugawara wasn't expecting this. The denial and defensiveness-sure, but tears and the broken look? No, that was not what Koushi was expecting.

He sits there next to Kageyama and watches as the shock changes to anger and that then changes to a guilty, shameful face. Then the tears start to fall and he stares, amazed that the angry, hard-headed, angsty teen, he's come to know over the past year, falls apart at the seems right in front of him.

He does the first thing that comes to mind and pulls the black-haired boy to his chest and just lets him cry.

After a while, he murmurs something into Koushis' shirt, but it comes out muffled. "What?" Sugawara is surprised to feel Kageyama stiffen before relaxing again, "sorry, I couldn't hear you." The younger teen lifts his head and pushes himself away, resting into his original position against the wall. "I said, I'm sorry." He pauses and turns his head from staring at the sky to Sugawara and continues, "for the trouble I've caused and for you're shirt." He gestured to the wet patch. "I am doing it for a reason, though." At the silver-haired boys confused look he explains, "avoiding you, I mean. I can't explain it all now, but I need to do this. For my sake and for Shoyous'."

Before Suga can say anything more, the bell rings.
Kageyama scrambles to pack his bag and jumps to his feet, "sorry for your shirt, again. I won't be at practice tonight." And with that he's gone.


He opens the door to his home and before he can even say anything he is hit with his mothers' scent. He drops his bags transforms and runs for it jumping onto roofs until he gets to the ground. He heard his mother come after him and panics, "Hey, your highness, this way," a tomcat whispers from an alleyway and he scrambles after the voice. Waiting for him is a tomcat with a white moon crescent like shape patterned into his head. The rest of his body is black, with a white underbelly and paws. "I'm moonshine, like the herb, and what brings someone such as yourself out here?" Moonshine meows curiously, bowing before sitting next to the flustered omega. He hears his mother dither on the roof behind them before going back home. He sighs in relief and thinks he might as well start up a conversation with the guy who so nicely saved his ass back there. So he began to explain, from the very beginning.

As he's taking they stroll through the streets, stopping occasionally to get pet, and eventually stop at the familiar house. "This is the house of my intended mate... He's human." Kageyama prepares himself for the disgusted reply that's sure to come, "woah, you met your intended mate.." Moonshine looks at him in awe, his tail flicking in amazement. Then he jumps and exclaims with a loud meow, "congratulations!"

Kageyama smiles and they both jump up onto the windowsill. He expects the same seen as he'd seen the night previously, but Akane is nowhere in sight. Hinata looks exhausted and hungry, but he's still giving Natsu half of his food. Just then the six-year old turns to them and squeals in delight. Hinata turns and freezes running over and unlocking the window.
"Hey, fellas -if you're even fellas- wanna come in?" He says in a tired voice. "Oh, hell yeah!" Moonshine jumps in and revels in the warmth that the house brings.

Kageyama jumps down next to him and transforms. He realises with disdain that he's still in his uniform and turns to his mate.
"I-I'm so sorry," he stutters out and Sho doesn't respond, but just embraces him and Kageyama is surprised by how much he yearned for this.

"Just shut up, you stupid cat."

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