Chapter 8

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Kageyama starts to pant heavily, his cheeks flushed, and hunches over on Luna - who is still in her Neko form -  and manages to say through his pants"It's -pant- my heat" before Luna could answer, as if on cue, Hinata appears in front of them.

The small male sands in front of them "your mum called again and I picked up, she told me about your heat and I asked the team if we could take the day off" Hinata pauses to take a deep breath leaving the two Nekos in suspense "they said sure." The tall male sighs in relief as Luna suggests something "the Prince is in no shape to walk and I can't walk around like this. So why don't we transform into cats and Hinata can carry you back to the apartment?" Instead of answering, Tobio and Luna are once again surrounded you harmless blue smoke. Once the smoke clears Hinata can see a large black cat lying on the ground panting next to Luna.

Hinata scoops up the Kageyama car in his arms and makes his way to the apartment.
Once he arrives, he feels around in Kageyamas bag, which he gathered along with his before he left the gym, for the keys and after he finds them he unlocks the door. After he gets inside Luna goes to patrol around and the smaller, orange haired, male makes his way to Tobios room and leaves him there.

Sorry for the short chapter I just came back from holiday and quickly wrote this!

Hope you liked it! See you next chapter

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