Chapter 13

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To say everyone is shocked is an understatement. This girl- who is nearly an identical version of her brother- has just done a one-eighty and, unknowingly, stunned everyone silent. Five minutes ago she was freaking out clutching Shoyou's t-shirt and now she is running around with Sora.
"Sho?" Akane asks her son, sadness, fear and confusion written on her face "when did that start happening?"
'Of course she wouldn't realise what had been he cause, of course.' Shoyou thinks bitterly. "Since him" he spits back, much to Tobio's surprise "Since who?" Akane asks again honestly confused "Since that abusive asshole"- a language is heard from Luna, surprisingly-"left us in a worse position than we were in before" the orangette says just as bitterly.

Everyone looks to Akane only to see her face contort into one of pure horror and tears build up in her eyes as she began sputtering 'b-but I tho-thought she-"'s and "you never told me that she remembered"'s "How could I tell you what was happening, mum?" Shoyou speaks softly "you were already working so hard."
By this time Natsu and Sora had stopped playing and are now listening, when Natsu realises what's happening she shoots her mum and her brother a loving and kinda apologetic look and speaks up loud enough for everyone to hear "Hey Sora-kun, lets play outside!" To which he nods and she leads the way.

After a few minutes of silence, Kazen breaks it, "What the bloody hell is going on? I don't know about the others, but I need an explanation!"

"After my husband-" Akane is cut off by her only son "I'll say it, mum. You shouldn't have to tell your story again.
My father died when I was 9, it was a couple months after Natsu was born and it had just been my birthday 2 weeks prior." He pauses for everyone to process. Tobio sits there shocked, he's never heard his Alpha speak like this before. "My dad was on his way to work when it happened. A drunk truck driver crashed into him and my dad died. My mum was torn and I was depressed, but I had to pull myself out of it for Natsu because now that dad was gone mum was working harder than ever to make ends meat. Fast forward a couple years -I'm eleven and Natsu is two- and we're in an okay place. We're okay on money and I'm taking care of Natsu and everything is okay. Not great, but okay. That's when he comes into the picture." Hinata ignores the looks of sympathy on everyone's faces and notices that Kageyama just looks shocked and sad while his mum just looks disappointed in herself. "She came and knocked on my bedroom door one night after she'd come home from work and said she had something to say."

Flashback start

"Sho, sweetheart, I need to talk to you" his mother calls to him, her voice filled with exhaustion. "Sure, mum. What's up?" Shoyou makes room for his mum on the bed as she sits down. "Baby, don't get mad, but I've found somebody. He's a really good guy and I want you to give him a chance." She looks up at her son once again and he's already looking at her when she looks "Mum," He says "if you've found someone who can make you happy, I support you. This is what dad would've wanted. I support you wholeheartedly, unless -of course- he's an a-whole."

Flashback end

"Then a couple months later he ended up moving in. When he did is was like a switch was flipped and he started his abuse."

Flashback start

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Asao Fumihiko yells through the house as he slams the front door. He has just come back from the bar and it is now thirty minutes past midnight.

Eleven year old Shoyou, quickly and quietly, makes his way to his two year old sisters room. "Sho-sho," she calls quietly from her crib and he smiles at her whilst picking her up. "YOU WHORE, HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HIM!" Their mother's partner screams through the house. Yes, this was normal. However what wasn't normal was the thumping which follows. "Hey sissy?" He coo's at Natsu, who has her head on his shoulder her eyes tired and filled with unshed tears, she nods "I'm gonna go see what's up, okay?" She looks up at him and nods.
As he puts her back in her crib, he kisses her forehead and closes the door behind him on the way out.

He ventures down the stairs when his mum screams "IM SORRY!" He quietly runs down the stairs and leans over the banister to see his mum on the floor being beaten by her 'boyfriend'. "stop.." he whispers "no.. don't.. stop it."
"IM SORRY. PLEASE!" His mother cries out "STOP IT! GET OFF HER!" He screams running down to help "YOU WEAK LITTLE SON OF A BITCH!" Ass-ao (as they've come to call him) punches him in the gut and goes to turn his attention on his mother again, but Hinata has other plans "Stop!" He calls "take it out on me instead! Don't hurt her, please!"
"SHUT YOUR WHORE TRAP!" The abuser interrupts, "Go upstairs, Akane." She runs at the order sending an apologetic look to her son before running to her daughters room.
Ass-ao beat him for what seemed like an eternity after that.

Flashback end

"And then a year later my school called the police on suspicion of child abuse. He's been in prison ever since." Shoyou finishes.

I know this is a sucky chapter. Sorry I rushed it a lot!! Here's an explanation of Natsu's fear of being hurt by people she doesn't trust, I guess. Thanks to @x_arctic_x for inspiring me to write this. Go check out there story Veiled Omega it's really well written with a good story line.

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