Chapter 21

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Don't kid yourself, he didn't like you before, why would that change now?A nasty voice says from somewhere in his mind, Shut up. He tells it stalking off into the night.


The next morning Kageyama is sour, but if being a prince taught him something it was how to act fine. Luna and Yui decide to stay home and hang out, so he walks. Alone. He had texted Hinata to let him know he wouldn't be walking with him this morning and then told the captain he wasn't able to come to practice that day. He isn't pushing them away, necessarily, just distancing himself to keep them safe from his mother's wrath.

Once he makes it to school he still has about thirty minutes 'till  class so he settles up on the roof to study princely stuff.

After what seems like hours, the bell rings and he starts to pack up and make his way to class. Once there, he sits down and stares out of the window, not taking his eyes from outside as the scent of his fiancé meets his nose (signalling he has entered the classroom).

"Tobio?" That voice calls, he loves that voice more than anything. It makes his omega purr in contentment, makes his heart sing in happiness, but also makes his omega yearn for the owner of the voices' touch, makes his heart sink in guilt. Guilt of not telling the owner of the voice why he needs to pull away and why he has to do it fast.

When he doesn't respond, Hinata just tries again -the tone of his voice brings tears to Kageyamas' eyes, the type of tone you use with love when someone's stuck in their thoughts- this time Kageyama makes a point of not looking at him and Hinata gets in his seat beside him looking rather confused.

———time skip to lunch———

Kageyama sits on the roof once again, his lunch lay forgotten on the ground to his right and a hardback book titled The Correct Mannerisms For A Royal Omega sitting in his lap as he diligently reads on. The book is boring, but if he wants to keep the engagement with his intended mate then his mother must not hand the matter over to father. The book, as you can probably guess, is about the way an omega born of royalty shall hold themselves.

There were a bit about intended mates in some of the books he had brought with him from the kingdom when he made the initial move. Every Neko, Kitsune, Fallen Angel -also known as Dark Angel, in some cases- and Elemental have intended mates. Mostly with each other, with a rare case here and there of a species bonded to a human, however meeting your intended mate is extremely rare as well and so the information is scarce.

An intended mate is someone connected to you by fate. When you are born, fate attaches you two together by The String Of Fate and (by what he's read) it can literally be anyone. There are rules though, they are about your age -maybe younger or older by a couple months to a year- it's not determined (meaning if they aren't treating you well it won't kill you to leave them, unless they are a bonded omega) and you don't always fall in love, some people who found their intended mate chose just to stay friends and nobody forced anything otherwise.

That is all the information currently available on intended mates and Hinata Shoyou is Kageyamas. It's considered a great honour, but Hinata's a human and his dad... well his dad will go berserk and probably cast him out, but hey. At least that way he's free, right?

He snaps out of his thoughts and continues on his 'studying' when he's suddenly interrupted by the loud CREAK of the old rusty metal door. He snaps the book shut, shoving it in his bag and pulls out his English book just as Sugawara closes the door behind him, attempting to create the least amount of noise possible, which is still quite loud.

Now the only thing to ponder is, what the fuck does Suga (the teams co-captain) want with him?

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