Chapter 14

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Kageyamas POV

After alpha shared his story all of my lot went back to my apartment because we all thought it was better for them to sort out their family matter.
As I enter my clean -as always- flat Yui runs in straight away and transforms, "damn cat body" they mutters before flopping on my couch.  Luna leaps from my shoulder and transforms just in time to land on her feet.

I close the door behind me (mother and Sora left because she had to get back to the kingdom or something dumb like that. A bunch of bull if you ask me) and began searching for my milk after I made my way to the kitchen.

Third person
"I THREW AWAY THE MILK!" Luna shouts from the living room, "you are so dead," Kageyama mutters under his breath as he closes the fridge door "in the morning." 

As he stalks his way to his room he shouts behind him "I'm going to sleep!" and enters his room.

Once he is in the comforts of his bed is when he lets his true identity go, today was stressful, he thinks to himself before drifting into a haze of consciousness and unconsciousness.

Oh shit! My diary!
He scrambles out of bed and to the dest and gets out his diary book, flipping through the pages filled with detailed notes from lessons to find an empty page.

Contrary to popular belief, Tobio actually pays full attention in class for any possible things he may not have been taught by his tutors in the kingdom -and there were the occasional moments- and comes home to put them all down in his diary/notebook thing.

The only reason he fails most of his classes is because he purposely puts the wrong answers. He does this for a reason. People pay less attention to the scary-dumb type of boy then the smart-innocent-and-welcoming type of guy that Kageyama wants to be.  The less attention people pay to him, the safer his secret is. It's dumb, but true.

When he finds a new page, he begins to think about his feelings to add to the collections of poems in his book. (A/N this will be terrible because I wrote it myself, sorry)

Pussycat 1, Pussycat 2, Pussycat  3
By Kageyama Tobio

Pussycat 1,
Pussycat 2,
Pussycat 3,
And I love you.

Pussycat 1,
Pussycat 2,
Pussycat 3,
And you hate me.

Pussycat 1,
Pussycat 2,
Pussycat 3,
And help me believe.

Pussycat 1,
Pussycat 2,
Pussycat 3,
How you love me.

Without realising it, he just wrote a poem about him and Hinata's relationship? Can he even call it that? But this alarms him, he quickly closes his book and hides it back in his drawer. Hastily, he turns off his light and crawls back into the comfort of his bed; his silky smooth tail, that blends in perfectly with the darkness, thrashing at the thought of a restful sleep; his midnight black fluffy ears flicking towards the sound coming from the girls in his lounge.

That night he drifts off into a restless sleep filled with nightmares. That could only mean one thing for Kageyama.

Something was coming.

And it wasn't good...

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