Chapter 17

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"This is going to be a long story..." Tobio starts. "We have an hour..." Says Asahi nervously.


Kageyama looks to his fellow Nekos for support as Luna transforms, leaving no affect to his already stunned friends. He clears his throat, "I guess we should start from the beginning then..."

*Four years ago*

It was a normal day in the neko Kingdom, Harisol, and Kageyama was on his way to the doctors chamber (it's stationed it the castle) to find out his secondary gender.

If you don't know what the secondary genders are you're obviously a human. Anyway, there are two types of gender in Neko's -and other half creatures like them. Primary genders are the sex they assign you at birth, boy or girl, whether you change that later on is completely acceptable and your choice.

Then there secondary genders, these are given to you when you are 10 and are where you stand in the reproductive cycle and they can also dictate how well you're treated. First, there are Alpha's, they are normally the pack leaders and can be dangerous to others in their ruts. Alpha's have a high fertility rate in their sperm and are known as the farther. You can have Alpha females (which are assigned from birth, you can tell why) and males. Ruts happen once a year and are when an Alpha's cat part feels as though it is ready to mate and they will feel like that for a week. Alpha's are highly respected throughout the community's.

After that, there are Beta's. Beta's are the closest to humans, however the males have a higher fertility rate in the sperm and the same goes for females. They don't experience heats or ruts and are, more than not, passive. Beta's are treated civilly and as peace makers.

Lastly, there are Omegas. Omega's are treated roughly and are really only used for breeding. Omega's usually occur in females, but there are the rare males. All Omega's have a womb (in all females, no matter their secondary gender, they have wombs, but only in Omega males so the men have a womb) that becomes active and starts to release eggs about a week after their birthday and that's where heat's come in. Heat's occur once a month and last about a week, they are when an Omega's womb produces two eggs to mate and sends our hypnotic pheromones to get the attention of an Alpha in rut. During their heat an Omega will become needy and will most likely want an item of clothing from each of their pack/friends to build a nest with. They will also become very needy, horny and physically sensitive to anyone's touch, unlike an Alpha who becomes more aggressive the closer their ruts are.

Kageyama didn't really mind what he was, but he knew that he couldn't be an Omega. He was already seen as a mistake because of his mother's background. She was a commoner from the Moon pack and he was known as one as well because -as royalty- his father couldn't join a pack and in the law it states that if two from different packs copulate, then the child/children will take the mothers pack.

Little 10 year-old Kageyama stopped as he had already arrived at the family's doctor and knocked. "Come in!" Sounded the kind, heavy accented voice of the English neko doctor, she was a beta with silky black hair that hung gracefully at her shoulders, framing her young  face. This woman was called Avery Kazen (she just so happens to be the mother of Yui Kazen) and she was the family's healer.

Tobio loved her. She was like the mother he never had. She handed him a lollipop and told him to sit on the bed to wait for his majesty.

Not even a moment later, the said man had entered. The soon-to-be omega shares the same hair colour as the man before him. Midnight black. And they both -unfortunately- shared the silky black tail that trailed behind them. Albeit, gracefully of course. His fathers blood-red eyes stared at Kageyama proudly, his silky smooth tail swishing by his feet and his ears swivelled around at the noises around them.

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