Gwen x Shy Female reader

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You sighed as you followed your friend Gwen around camp. The two of you have known each other through school, and became great friends quickly. She was able to get over your quiet voice and shy demeanor. She even made it to where you spoke up a bit louder, but only around her of course.

It was before the talent show and Gwen decided to take you on a nice walk. You told her how Heather was being meaner than usual, so she wanted to take your mind off of it.

"Thank you." You said in a slightly louder voice, but still pretty quiet. "It's fine mousey." She said, teasing you slightly with the nickname she gave you. You pouted slightly and looked away with a huff.

She laughed and hugged you close. You quickly blushed and looked up at her shyly. She had on a bright smile as she looked at you. "I'm glad we met." She said with her own little blush. You smiled brightly and nodded.

Soon the talent show was about to start, and the two of you made your way back.


You sat down happily by Gwen as the Talent show started. Your hair got in your face a bit, making Gwen giggle and ruffle your hair more. You pouted slightly, but turned away when it started.

For the most part it was okay. Until Heather got on. She sat down and grinned. "I was going to dance for you, but instead. I'm going to read you something special." She said and held up Gwen's diary.

Gwen gasped and tensed up. "She's so sweet. Ever since I first met her she, I always thought she was cute. I hope one day I can confess my feelings to my cute little mouse." She read out and smirked.

You blushed horribly and looked up at Gwen, but just caught her sprinting off into the woods. You quickly got up and ran after her. "Gwen!" You yelled out as best you could. Your voice just sounded like a normal person was talking.

After running for a few minutes, you found her slouching by the lake. You slowly walked over, making her turn to you ashamed. "I'm sorry..." she said and sighed. "I understand if you don't wanna talk to me..." she muttered, making you pout and sit by her.

She was about to question you, until you quickly tackled her into a hug. "I like you too." You mumbled into her shoulder.

She slowly grinned to herself and held your small frame closer to her. She's kinda glad Heather read her diary.

But she's still getting revenge


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