Anne Marie x fem reader

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"Come on (Y/N)! You offered to take me to the salon today!" Anne Marie called out with a whine. You sighed and wheeled yourself out from under the car. "You do realize the appointment isn't till tomorrow, right?" You asked as she gave a glare.

"It's Tuesday." She said, as you wheeled back under, immediately you slammed your head on the bottom of the car. "Fuck!" You yelled out and groaned.

"Just... get on my bike. I'll be there in a sec." You growled out and wheeled yourself out from under the car. So much for your day to work on your school project.

You didn't even have time to clean yourself off. You wiped your hands off and ran off to your car with your stained tank top and jeans.

You finally hopped on your bike and started it up. "Ew! You're covered in gunk!" She yelled out and scrunched her nose in disgust. "Yeah well I was told it was Monday. Unless you wanna fall off, hold onto the clean parts of my body." You said. Which you cleaned off your arms and shoulders as well for her.

She groaned, but still held on tightly. Due to it being a short drive, you didn't give her a helmet.

The two of you made it there quickly and when you parked, she immediately booked it to the salon. You sighed and rolled your eyes before noticing an arcade right by the salon.

"Well... she won't be out for an hour..." you muttered. You shut off the engine and propped up the stand before standing up and walking over to the arcade. When you walked in, you immediately grinned when you saw your group of friends.

"Duncan! Alejandro! What's up!" You called out before getting socked in the shoulder. "What am I? Chopped liver?" Mal asked and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "Exactly!" You said with a grin.

The other two laughed while Mal just gave you a pout. "I'm hurt, truly." He said and suddenly started giving you a noogie. "Get off of me you chopped liver!" You yelled out and thrashed around.

"What're you doing here señorita? I thought you were working on that car?" Alejandro asked as you got out of Mal's hold. "Well, I thought it was Monday, like someone told me." You said and narrowed your eyes at Duncan. "What! I thought it was!" He said and and continued playing Pac-Man.

"Anyway, I promised I would pay for Anne Marie's salon day. And it just so happened to be right next door to here." You explained and went to the prize counter to grab a few paper towels. You started to wipe yourself down as Alejandro invited you to the dance machine.

"In a sec Casanova. Gotta wipe off most of the oil off of me." You said as you heard a few girls snickering.

"That's Anne's girlfriend? I didn't know she was into Dykes." She said and snickered. You turned and raised a brow to see Heather and Lindsey. Lindsey was nice, but heather was not.

"I thought she was kinda pretty." Lindsey said, just to get nudged. "I-I mean uh, yeah definitely!" Lindsey said with a slightly forced smile.

You just rolled your eyes, used to the names you get. You had thick skin, so you didn't care if you got name called like this. If it got bad, you could always punch them.

"Hey, watch your mouth here." Duncan called out with a glare. "Oh whatever punk boy. You act like I cared about what you said." Heather retorts and crossed her arms. "Guys it's fine. She's not one that can bother me." You say with a closed eye smile.

She growled slightly as the boys did start walking over to you. "Well... I'm surprised you actually go for the slutty prissy type." She said, just before a fist came flying and hit her in the jaw.

"Leave her out of this you good for nothing skank-" You started to yell, just as the three boys held you back. "Easy there señorita! She isn't worth your time!" Alejandro yelled out as Heather stood up and growled. "Oh why you little!" She walked over and before the boys could stop her, slapped the hell out of your cheek.

Everything was silent for a second. Before the new rage that bubbled in your helped you escape the three grasps as you tackled and started beating the hell out of Heather.

You weren't like her.

You knew how to throw a punch.

It took a good minute for the boys to even get a good grip and pull you back. "Let me at her! No one insults my girl on my watch!" You yelled out and growled lowly.

Lindsey mouthed a tiny 'sorry' as she pulled heather away and out of the arcade.

"Calm down Little Lion, she's gone now." Mal said and sat down with you in his lap.

The three of you were close enough to do this without problem. Plus it was the only way to keep you from going after her.

You just growled some more as you crossed your arms. "Yeah yeah... I'm still gonna beat her ass tomorrow." You mumbled out as you leaned back against him.


You got a phone call from your girlfriend after a few hours in the arcade that she was in the front waiting for you to pay.

"Later boys, my girl needs me." You said as you walked out of the arcade and next door. Where Anne was talking to the receptionist with a smile.

"Finally! Don't I look good baby!" She said and posed. You just chuckled and kissed her temple. "You always do." You say and pay for the whole thing. Sure it was a bit pricey, but you wanted to give her a gift.

Once the two of you started walking to your bike, she gasped and grabbed your face. Nearly stabbing your eye in the process but you didn't complain.

"What happened to your face!?" She yelled out and inspected it. "You have a bit of a bruise on ya!" She said as you sighed. "Just had a bit of a quarrel with Heather earlier. It's nothing babe." You said and kissed the palm of her hand.

She frowned and forced your head down to kiss your bruise lightly. "If... if you say so. But that doesn't mean I won't give her a piece of my mine!" She said with a pout.

You ended up snorting as you pulled her close to give her an actual kiss. "Go ahead. I'll find it funny." You said and chuckled.

Gosh you love this woman sometimes. Even if she does get s bit prissy

Sorry for the long wait! I've just been... out of it. Got a baby sister now and I'm trying to focus on my art career

Plus my mentality has been horrible for a good while

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