Heather x Reader part 2

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I had ideas so I went with it. No one requested this, it's just late and I had the idea in my head

You were always the laid back one. You never raised your voice or seemed to get upset. Then again, you never seemed to ever show any emotion. You were one to always be there for people and never asked for stuff like that back.

But today just seemed to be a living hell.

You walked down the halls with a sour look at the end of sixth hour. You were wanting to just get to your English class, then go home. You hated today with a burning passion.

Your morning started out shitty as you noticed your washing machine never actually washed your clothes, so you had to where an outfit that seemed a bit too small for you. Damn it for not checking our clothes once in awhile.

Then you ended up late while looking for clothes and got yelled at by the teacher. Usually it would've been fine. But then you got your science test back in second hour to see you had an F on one of your tests.

Okay, not that bad to piss you off.

But then you ended up falling down the bleacher stairs in gym during your off hour and got laughed at for it. Then went to lunch to realize you forgot your lunch money at home and now are going through the day starving.

You haven't seen heather since this morning and frankly, you didn't want to see her. You didn't want to see anyone and happen to snap at them. You then stop and furrow your brows. Is it possible I've actually been avoiding everyone all day?

You thought about it and groaned. You really had. Now you know she's gonna be pissed at you.

You shook your head and kept walking, but heard some familiar heels stomping up towards you. "(Y/N)!" Ah shit, here it comes.

You turned around with a slight glare as she marched over to you. "Where the hell have you been all day? I've been waiting till I was nearly late for all my classes for you to walk me to them!" She yelled out as a few people seemed to have scurried away in fear of her and your different look.

"Look, we can talk about this later. Today has not been great." You said and went to turn around, but she had grabbed your arm and stopped you. "And you act like avoiding me, especially at lunch, was such a great thing!" She said and stepped back and threw her arms up in the air.

"Look at me! I'm (Y/N) and I just avoid my girlfriend at all costs for no reason!" She yelled at you, causing you to punch the bridge of your nose. "Babe we-" She cut you off. "No! I shouldn't have to be pushed aside cause you don't feel-" You growled and stood up straight.

"Maybe if you would take the time out of your day to see why the fuck I'm being so distant then maybe you would understand why! I've been having the upmost shittiest day in a long while and to top it all off, my girlfriend, who I am always there for decides instead of being there for me like I am for you, you yell at me and make it seem like I'm the bad guy! I'm sick of it today and I don't need your fucking attitude too." You yelled out, causing many people and her to stare at you with wide eyes and open mouths.

You breathed heavily and glared Down at her before turning around and walking to the stairs. "Fuck this. I don't need this. I did nothing wrong." You hissed out before going up and onto the roof.

You were pacing around while running your fingers through your (h/c) hair and growling curses under your breath. You couldn't take it anymore!

Without thinking you turned and slammed your fist into the door as hard as you could.



And again.

You soon pulled back to see a dent in the door and your knuckles all bloody. You sighed and walked towards the center of the roof and sat down sighing. Now you had to go to the school nurse and explain why you're skipping class and have bloody knuckles.

You didn't even notice the door opening and footsteps until you felt someone hug you from behind. You were about to chew them out until you heard sniffling. You furrowed your brows and turned.

You saw Heather looking down as she fought to keep her tears in. "Hey hey, what's wrong? Was it what I said? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." You said softly and touched her cheek gently. She gently grabbed your hand, grazing your knuckle making you wince slightly.

"No... it's me. I should've asked you why you were acting so weird instead of yelling at you... I'm sorry... I truly am." She whispered and had a few tears start to fall.

You sighed and opened your arms. "Just come here you idiot." You muttered and pulled her close to you. She wrapped her arms around your neck while you wrapped yours around her waist.

You hummed softly and rubbed her back as she cried softly against you.

Soon her cries subsided and was left with some sniffling. "Better now?" You asked, making her nod. She pulled back and wiped her tears before looking at you.

"I love you (Y/N), I truly do." She said and kissed you without warning. You gave a slight blush before chuckling and kissing her back.

She soon pulled back and grabbed your hands. "Can we go to the nurse's office for you now?" She asked, making you groan. "Stay with me and I will." You muttered and sighed. "I will."

Total drama x reader one shots (SLOW UPDATES) ⚠️REQUESTS ARE CLOSED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now