Anne Marie x reader

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You guys don't realize how much I appreciate your comments on my stories. Especially when I feel so bad about a few chapters. It brings confidence in things I don't have much about. It honestly keeps me going on writing <3 love you guys!!

You groaned as you listened to your friend Anne Marie rant. "Who does he think he is? A hunk of a man with an awful personality." She complained.

"You do realize You can just, oh I don't know, stop having an on and off relationship with the guy right?" You said and continued on her makeup. You were honestly really good at makeup. When she wanted her makeup done nicely, she would go to you. Which was often.

"But he's such a hunk! I mean, have you ever seen someone so hot before?" She asked, making you sigh.


You shook your head and sighed again. "Yes, But I don't really try to go after them." You said. She was lucky you pulled the brush away as she stood up quickly and grabbed your shoulders. "Shut. Up. My little (Y/N) likes someone!" She yelled and hugged you close.

You groaned and pat her back. "Shut up and sit down. I'm not done with your makeup and you look like a clown." You said, causing her to pout and sit back down.

You continued with a chuckle. "Well yes. I do like someone. But I could never tell them. They're taken." You said as made her stick out her lips for you to put on some lipstick on her.

"But you can still tell them! That way if they ever have a falling out they'll have you as an option!" Anne Marie said, making you pinch her cheek. "I don't like being second best." You said with a scowl while she whines.

You pulled away and hummed. "You're makeup is done." You said and pulled off your hoodie. You were left in a tank top and some tight jeans at the moment.

You put the makeup bags up and turned back to her. Only to blush and realize she's staring at you. "Er... problem?" You asked and looked down at yourself.

You weren't out of shape or anything. You've been hitting the gym. Maybe another diet will be helpful.

"Oh. My. God! When did you get so hot!" She yelled out, a blush making its way on your cheeks. "What?" "Your body! I've never seen you without that baggy jacket of yours!" She said and had her jaw open in shock from your body.

"You never come to the gym when I offer." "I'll start coming if I get to see this more!"

Soon a knock was at your door. "I'll get it." You said and walked to the front of your house. You opened the door to reveal Vito staring back at you. "Yo (Y/N)! Lookin hot like always!" He said and laughed. "Nice to see you gaining some flab. Go back to the gym." You said, causing a playful scowl to appear.

"Come on, I'm not losing that much muscle-" You snorted. "That's not what I hear the ladies talking about." You said and walked away for him to come in. "She's in the back. I know you're here for her." You said and grabbed a bottle of water.

You winked as a thank you and bolted for your small room for Anne Marie when she comes over.

You gagged at the wink before chugging down some water.

You didn't really pay attention to much until you heard a loud smack. You bolted to the back room to see Anne Marie with her hand still up while Vito held his cheek in shock. "Get. Out." She hissed

He snapped out of the small daze and growled at her. "Why you-" Before he could grab her, you grabbed his wrist. "If you'd like to have a functional wrist, leave." You said calmly.

"Get out! This is between me and her!" He yelled, making your eyes grow to slits. He didn't even register the punch you let loose until he hit his back on the wall. "God you're so fucking weak." You growled out. "I barely had to lay my hand on you." You said before walking towards him.

"(Y/N)!" Anne Yelled out and suddenly hugged you from behind. You stopped in your tracks and shook. "Anne-"

"Please don't hurt him... let him go..." She whispered. Your eyes widened and you were about to yell at her, before seeing that she was holding back tears.

You stared down at her before sighing. "Leave Vito or I'll make you leave." You growled out. He quickly scrambled up and bolted out of the house.

You relaxed once you heard the front door slam shut.

You turned to face Anne Marie and sighed. "You're an idiot for dating those kinds of people." You said and sat down on the small bed. You leaned back and closed your eyes to calm down.

You didn't really have much time to calm down before you felt her slowly crawl onto your lap. You immediately snapped your eyes open and blushed. "W-What are you-" you were cut off by a pair of lips on yours.

You froze, but groaned internally. Fuck it. You gripped her waist and kissed back immediately. She trailed her hands down your chest slightly before you suddenly grabbed her hands. She pulled back and looked up at you nervously.

"Explain or get out." You muttered a bit angry. She's never shown any sort of hint that showed that she liked you.

She looked down. Silence racked the room for a few minutes before she spoke.

"I never thought I'd be the one to say it... but I've had my eye on you for awhile. Especially when I saw you handle Vito like that." She admitted and bit her lip.

You stared at her, but sighed. "Date me." You said and leaned your head back. This girl will already be the death of you and you weren't even dating yet.

She smiled and pressed herself up against you. "Yes sir!/Ma'am!" She called out and peppered your neck with kisses.

You groaned and opened your eyes slightly. "Not now Anne." You said. Only for her to bite down on your neck. You gasped slightly, but quickly flipped the two of you so that you were on top of her.

"You're gonna regret that sweetheart." You said with a grin before kissing her roughly. It made her blush and wrap her arms and legs around you as she giggles.

Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm ending it there

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