Alejandro x Neko Reader

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You squealed as you and your boyfriend Alejandro were on the same team for total drama world tour. You were done with the first challenge and you were talking to Owen and Izzy at the moment. Your ears and tail were always out, due to it usually being uncomfortable for you. When you got older it wasn't that bad. But as a kid you were the freak of everything.

"What's it like being a... Ne-ko?" Owen asked, making you laugh softly. "It's Neko silly." You said as you picked up Noah's book with your tail. "And it's fine. My tail is kinda like another hand. I have better hearing, sight, and smell. I can climb things easily and-" You were cut off when you felt someone hug you from behind.

You giggled and held the hand of the person. "Just woke up?" You asked your boyfriend. He let out a small low squeak before you heard his breathing even out. You rolled your eyes as you felt him nuzzle his face into the back of your neck. "Aw~! That's so cute!" Izzy said as you giggled more. "He's always been cute." You said as you ran your thumb over his knuckles.

"You and Al must be close for him to just randomly go up to you and hug you like that huh?" Owen asked, making you shrug. "I guess, but he's always been one to cuddle when he's sleepy. Ever since we were kids we would sleep together. Due to us being older were not allowed to as much but when we do he always clings onto me." You explained, making the couple 'aw' at you.

"Say, how'd you two meet anyway?" Owen asked, making you smile fondly at the memory. "Well, we met in sixth grade." You said as you thought back on the memory.


You were currently in the corner of the school hall, your small frame shaking as your hair was pinned down to your head and tail was wrapped around your waist. In front of you were three big guys that were keeping you stuck in the corner.

"Well lookie here, we got ourselves a freak roaming through our halls!" The leader said as the other two snickered and moved forward. "St-stay back!" You whimpered out, making the leader grab you by the front of your shirt and lifted you off the ground. Your eyes widened in horror as you struggled to get out of his grip.

He went to grab your tail, but he was suddenly pulled away from you. You fell to the ground and winced. You shook more and looked up to see a Latino boy with his back to you. "Pathetic. How could you hurt such a sweet person. All they did was go to class when you tried to hurt them. Shame on you!" He said. The bullied actually seemed scared of him as they scrambled to run away.

He sighed softly before turning to you. You gasped softly when you saw who it was. Alejandro Burromuerto. You always thought he was cute, but not to where you would swoon.

He held out his hand to you. "Are you okay Rosa?" He asked, making you nod shakily and grab his hand. "M-my name is (Y/N), n-not Rosa." You stammered out, making him smile. "It means rose in Spanish." He explained, making you blush in embarrassment.

"Let me walk you to class." He said. You gave a nervous smile and nodded. You were happy to have met him that day.

~end of flashback~

Owen and Izzy awed once more and smiled. "That's so sweet of him! What made you guys decide to date?" Izzy asked, making you blush. You didn't expect all these questions. "W-well. We had homecoming at my middle school... and when a boy tried to kiss me Alejandro punched his face and broke his nose... saying that I was his." You said with a huge blush.

"I never expected him to be so violent like that!" Owen said as you went to speak, but Alejandro had gotten up and picked you up bridal style. "I am tired." He said and moved to a spot that was free. He laid down on his back and had you on his chest. You rolled your eyes and kissed his jaw gently.

"I love you Alejandro." You mumbled before falling asleep. He had a soft smile on his face before he fell asleep at your words

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