Chapter 7

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While Hayato and Aizawa were holding off the villains in the main plaza, Tsuna's mind was going a mile a minute trying to come up with a plan. 13 stood in shock unsure what to do with the others in the class, while Takeshi himself was anxiously awaiting orders. The only way out was the front doors, and the only communication system that worked didn't connect to the school. Tsuna inwardly cursed.

"Takeshi, get Skylark and Boxer on their way here immediately. Iida, since you're the class rep run back to the school and inform the teachers of what is going on here. The rest of you only attack when it's in self-defense. Got it," Tsuna ordered easily falling into his role as the leader of the Vongola.

"On it, Boss!" Takeshi stated and moved away a bit so their conversation couldn't be overheard. As for the class and 13, they couldn't help but follow what the brunet said. Iida just nodded and hurried to the door, but was stopped by the purple smokey villain that suddenly appeared. Iida stopped in his tracks whilst Tsuna and 13 moved to the front of the class that had turned to face the door and the villain.

"Well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," the villain said. Before 13 or Tsuna had a chance to make a move, Bakugou and Kirishima attacked the villain, creating a large explosion that gave off a massive amount of smoke. In the smoke that was caused by Bakugou's quirk, Takeshi came up to Tsuna informing him Kyoya and Ryohei were on their way and also inquired what the plan was currently/ The two formed a plan quietly, Takeshi left Tsuna's side once again before the smoke completely dissipated.

Hayato and Aizawa glanced back up the stairs when the explosion went off.

"Damn it, I blinked," Aizawa crused. Hayato sighed and punched a villain.

"Didn't see him either Aizawa," Hayato huffed. "Also, do you have to be so obvious when your quirk is no longer in effect?" That last part was quiet so it wasn't drawing attention from the villains surrounding them.

"Can't help that kid," Aizawa grunted as he canceled a villains quirk only for Hayato to send a bomb into the same villains face. He was impressed with how well Hayato adapted to his fighting style like he was used to constantly changing up his own style. Hayato just huffed he had Uri sitting on his shoulders and a cigarette in his mouth like he had during the training exercise with All Might.

"Just be careful Aizawa," Hayato said. "Can't have you dying or anything, it would look bad not only for UA but for Vongola as well."

Aizawa just chuckled, he was starting to like this boy. The two continued to hold off the villains so the class could get out of the building or at least come up with a plan to inform the campus.

The smoke cleared and the class was almost back to back as the villain gathered his smoke back up.

"I wouldn't be so hasty children," he said. Tsuna glared a bit more trying to figure out what to do. He didn't have time however when the villain used his misty smoke to encircle the class. Due to the many warp gates, some of the class were whisked away. Tsuna was almost one of them if 13 hadn't grabbed him by the back of his suit coat keeping him grounded. The misty smoke dissipated and only seven of the nineteen were left at the front door. Tsuna's hand flew up to his headphones when he saw Takeshi wasn't there.

"Takeshi, where are you?" Tsuna questioned hoping being teleported like that didn't blow away the flames that fueled their comm system.

"Surrounded by fire and villains," Takeshi replied after a moment. Tsuna sighed in relief as he glanced around at his worried charges.

"Anyone with you?" Tsuna questioned glancing around at the five students and one teacher still with him.

"Ojiro," Takeshi replied, before sounds of fighting came from Takeshi's side moments later. Tsuna nodded mentally taking a head count of who was here and who he knew to be somewhere else. Shouji helping with that greatly.

"Iida I want you to continue to do what Tsuna had instructed you to do, everyone else make sure Iida gets out," 13 stated taking control momentarily. Iida hesitated but eventually nodded and got ready to sprint for the door. Sero, Shouji, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuna and 13 prepared to make sure Iida could get the chance to get out the door. 13 activated her quirk Black Hole and started sucking the villain into it.

Aizawa was starting to get tired, not use to long fights. Hayato noticed that and started to increase his own power trying to lessen the number of villains Aizawa had to fight.

"Aizawa head back to the others I can handle things from here," Hayato stated. Aizawa was panting but he continued on fighting.

"Not going to happen, besides I wouldn't be much of a pro if I left this to you," Aizawa grunted. Hayato grumbled something under his breath before allowing Uri to fully grow and help with the attacks. Suddenly the blue-haired leader of the villains ran forward towards Aizawa who was already fighting three villains at once. Hayato and Uri couldn't get away from their fight to help. So when Aizawa's quirk canceled out and the leader's quirk started to kick in the Hayato and Uri could do nothing to help. By the time Hayato managed to pull the leader off of Aizawa, the pro's elbow was trashed.

"I told you," Hayato deadpanned as Uri took care of the other villains that were trying to surround them. The leader got up and laughed as he dusted himself off.

"Well aren't you an interesting one," he said looking at Hayato. Hayato glared at the blue haired guy that had hands all over him. Something purple batted Hayato away a few yards moments later. Uri went after her master as the purple monster pinned Aizawa.

The purple warp gate villain started to list facts about 13 as he opened a warp gate in front and behind 13 redirecting her quirk.

"13!" Mina and Uraraka exclaimed. Tsuna's eyes widened, he knew the power of a black hole and how much gravity it had. He lit his flames and rather easily got 13 out of the way quickly closing the top of her finger on her hero costume. The warp gate villain's yellow glowing eyes widened in shock.

"How on earth?" He asked. Tsuna stood and dusted his suit off as Uraraka and Mina hurried to help 13 who had minor injuries.

"Luckily I have experience with black holes and gravity," Tsuna stated as he turned to face the villain. "And sadly you made a mistake by angering me."

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