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"EunJung, did you figure out the fifth DNA sample?" Asked ChinHwa as he got the table ready. They were planning on tracking the other two from the gang so the boys could be together, if the two are dead.

"Yes, give me a moment," EunJung took off her googles as she put the DNA sample on the table along with the other four.

"So the other two that are missing are Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung?" ChinHwa asked to make sure he was right before they start.

"Yes, the ones that died are Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, and Jeon Jeongguk. Their DNA are on the table," EunJung sighed as she rested her hands on the table. She leaned onto the table and she starred at the tubes.

EunJung started to tear up a bit.

"These poor boys didn't even get to eat breakfast," EunJung wiped away her tear because she needed to be a professional at work.

"Wait, how do you know?" ChinHwa faced EunJung. He bent his back a bit to face EunJung because her face was lowered.

"Their bodies were brought in two days ago and I felt the stomach area for any fluids or anything in general like some sort of sickness of the organs but nothing was found. They were starving, maybe because they couldn't afford enough money for all seven of them?" EunJung replied as they were waiting for the main people to come in.

"Oh, so a gang really isn't a right way to call them, right? Maybe like a group of friends?" ChinHwa was talking to himself as EunJung was starring off to space. She was mainly waiting for the guys to come in.

A male and a female then comes in after a moment of silence.

"BonHwa, HaeWon, these are the DNA samples," ChinHwa said right when they came in. They went straight to the table to take a closer look at them.

"HaeWon, I heard that you met them before? If you don't mind, can you tell me about it?" EunJung asked politely.

"Yes, I heard them asking to share the shelter that we were in. My sister yelled at them to go away because they were the most hated pair of boys in the town. I now regret letting my sister yell at them to go away," HaeWon responded in a serious tone in her voice.

"I heard from BonHwa that the boys ate nothing in a very long time," HaeWon continued, "I saw them walking around the neighborhood in a poor state and my sister always pushed me away. I didn't know they were in bad condition."

"And if I did know, I would've made sure they got good shelter and a lot of food to put some meat on their bones. That is my job as a doctor."

"Right, talking about being really skinny, I really wanted to find the other two that weren't found at all in the disaster left over," EunJung tried changing up the subject because she knew how motivated HaeWon could get during her work.

"You think their still alive?" BonHwa finally spoke up from the darkness he was in. Three pairs of eyes them starred at him and he became embarrassed.

"I really hope so."

"They left no trace of evidence that they have died. Them being alive is a really high possibility," HaeWon responded with some determination in her voice.

"How do we start the search?"

"First, wanted posters."

"Second, rewards. Cash."

"Third, wish for the best."

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