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It was the next day. It's the big day where Taehyung will be released and Taehyung is not excited.

Taehyung sat on the side of his bed. His left leg had a cast on and he had his crutches on the side of his bed. Taehyung's voice was still raspy but it was better than yesterday. Taehyung waited for the doctor to come in and he would leave the hospital.

Soon after, the doctor came in the room and questioned him on something's. After that, he was discharge and free to go "home."

Taehyung was outside of the hospital. He saw a small bench so he sat there as he was already tired. His arms were bandaged up but the doctor told him that he only needed it on for two more days.

Taehyung looked around the parking lot in peace. Taehyung's eye widen when he heard the ambulance sirens coming in the parking lot. Nurses came out with a stretcher to take the patient in for treatment.

The lady on the stretcher was injured all over. Taehyung watched the scene unfold and it reminded him a lot of himself.

After the situation calmed down, two females and two males ran toward him with their lab coats on.

"Taehyung!" One of the lady called out for him. He only starred as they got closer. Once they reached him, they were out of breath. Taehyung just looked up at them from his seat.

"Taehyung, we were meaning to talk to you but we were really busy with work," one of the males said while he was heavy breathing.

"We're sorry we ran out on you like that. I don't like hurting people so I freaked out, I'm so sorry," the lady said, the name tog said EunJung.

"E-EunJung?" Taehyung tried to pronounce the name.

"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you, Taehyung," EunJung held her hand out for Taehyung to shake and Taehyung slowly lifted his hand to take the hand. EunJung smiled.

"My name is Park HaeWon. Nice to meet you Taehyung," HaeWon held her hand out for Taehyung to shake as well.

"My name is Lee ChinHwa. It's my pleasure to meet you Taehyung," ChinHwa bowed at Taehyung.

"And my name is Min BonHwa. It's nice to meet you," BonHwa bowed as well.

"We knew that you were released today and we rushed here to tell you something," HaeWon took out a clipboard with writings on as she adjusted her fake glasses.

"Taehyung, we felt bad since you and Seokjin don't have a place to live so two weeks ago we created a go fund me page and it reached up to $43,323 from people all over the world. We used Seokjin's information to help us reach this much money in such short time notice and we wanted to hand you all the money now since you're discharged. Congratulations Taehyung!" HaeWon smiled widely as she looked up from her clipboard to see Taehyung's reaction.

Taehyung's eyes were widen. He couldn't believe his ears. He didn't want to believe what the woman was telling him. The other three were smiling as well and he knew that it wasn't just a sick joke.

"We haven't told Seokjin yet but we will soon or you could tell him now," Taehyung looked at the one speaking, EunJung. Taehyung smiled at the name of Seokjin's.

"Let's go, Taehyung," EunJung held her hand out for Taehyung to take so they could go in the hospital again. Taehyung gladly took it.

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