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"Taehyung, eat up, please," Seokjin weakly begged Taehyung to eat. He found a cane that he could use to walk. Seokjin couldn't really walk perfectly because of the amount of things that landed on him on the disaster.

Taehyung broke a leg so he couldn't walk properly as well. Seokjin and Taehyung sometimes shared the cane.

Taehyung and Seokjin were on the table of an abandoned building. Seokjin was begging for Taehyung to eat. Seokjin used his last few dollars for food so the pair could eat.

Taehyung basically became mute since that incident. He didn't speak to Seokjin at all and he didn't seem to have any light in his eyes.

It was only them in the small place.

Seokjin's eyes were still purple and his arms were still aching. Seokjin handed Taehyung a small piece of bread that he managed to get. Seokjin only got to eat a much smaller piece.

"Taehyung, please speak to me," Seokjin said in his weak voice. He used his last bit of energy trying to get his friend to speak. The younger only starred at him.

"We can't go to the hospital because the bills would be so high. We can't afford it Tae," Seokjin frowned. He rubbed Taehyung's back in circular motions. Seokjin would sense Taehyung's tear coming down. Seokjin sadly starred at the younger in sorrow.

Seokjin knew that Taehyung was in a stage of sorrow but he wanted to talk to his best friend. It was hard to fix a broken soul. He was damaged enough with the hate he got. But now his angels are gone.

Sometimes, Seokjin thought about what the others did for him. He knew that he shouldn't have been there in the position but what could he do? It was hard enough. Seokjin was happy to live, so the others wouldn't suffer the loss of the others. They were peacefully in the sky without any pain or worries.

Seokjin got out of his head and he pushed the piece of bread toward Taehyung more but the young one just threw the plate across the room and he got up.

Taehyung walked to the living room but he didn't do that without a lot of limping. The groaning was heard as Taehyung would accidentally step with his injured leg. Seokjin quickly went to Taehyung's side but the boy yanked his hand away from the older.

Seokjin let the poor boy go. He suffered seeing the boy in pain. He just wished that help was on the way so they wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

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