capítulo de bonificación siete

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October 22, 2025 11:35 pm

"Hopefully tomorrow is a better day," Taehyung quietly spoke as he laid on the hard floor with a thin blanket. He was starring at the roof with wide eyes. He couldn't sleep.

"Why? Did something bad happen?" Seokjin whispered. Taehyung turned his head to face Seokjin with a frown.

"The weather has been really bad this past week. I want it to be sunny, like in summer," Taehyung said back. He quietly spoke, unlike Seokjin who whispered.

"It's October, Tae. It's usually really rainy these days," Seokjin reassured Taehyung. They both were starring at each other while the others were asleep. Taehyung's focus was off Seokjin and his eyes landed on the ceiling again.

It was dark outside. They had no real bed but the very small couch that they had but it was incrediblely uncomfortable. They all had to sleep on the floor. They were formed in a circle as they slept.

"Will you stay with us forever? Will we be together forever, Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked with a frown. Seokjin stayed silent, he was thinking. That triggered Taehyung's tear to roll down. Taehyung's eyes were getting glossy.

"Jin hyung, I'm so scared. I don't know why," Taehyung's voice was starting to sound different as he kept crying. Seokjin's heart broke just hearing the boy talk.

"I'm usually happy to sleep every night but I'm just so scared to sleep right now. I feel so different. I don't want to sleep, Jin hyung," Taehyung's closed his eyes to calm down himself from crying. He didn't want to wake the others up so he tried so hard to stay silent.

"Tae, what do you feel?" Seokjin tried to stop Taehyung's tears from continuing but they still did. Taehyung swallowed deeply as he tried to calm down.

"M-my gut is telling me that I need to love the six of you harder. I don't have this feeling ever. I-I'm so scared for what's going to happen," Taehyung gave up and sobbed loudly. Seokjin sat up from laying down. He rubbed his eyes for a bit before getting up to comfort Taehyung. Seokjin rubbed Taehyung back, staying silent.

The others woke up, alarmed.

Namjoon stood up immediately, stumbling a bit and going towards the sound of sadness.

"Tae, what's wrong?" Namjoon sat down on the opposite side of Taehyung. The other four woke up and slowly crawled toward Taehyung as well.

Taehyung wiped his tears away from his face, "It hurts so much, Joonie," Taehyung hugged Namjoon tightly. No one had seen him like that before so everyone was concerned.

Taehyung hugged Yoongi next. Then Hoseok. Next Jimin. After Jeongguk. And last, Seokjin but more loosely.

"I don't want to go to sleep."


"Because time will be slower if I don't."

"Why do you want time to be slower?" Asked Hoseok.

"Because I'll have more time with you six," Taehyung said, motionless.

"Taehyung, what are you talking about?" Jeongguk was fed up and wanted to find what Taehyung was trying to say.

"I mean, our time is getting an end soon. I want to stay up every night, all night, to have more time with us together," Taehyung stopped crying. His face was emotionless and his voice was monotoned.

"Taehyung, we'll die with lack of sleep," Jeongguk yawned after.

"I don't care."

"Taehyung it's already midnight. I'm getting tired of this," Yoongi spoke from the darkness that he was in. Taehyung hugged himself as his last tear slipped.

"I just want to say, I'm so sorry any mistakes that I committed during these years. I'm sorry for causing trouble, Jeongguk, I'm sorry for calling you a baby all the time although you're a legal adult now. Hoseokie, I'm sorry for calling you a daddy's boy because you always tell Namjoon what I did to you, telling on me," Jeongguk growled but stopped when he said that he was sorry, making him scared for the older. Hoseok pouted as Taehyung called him that name, but frowned when he realized that something snapped in Taehyung to make him not normal.

"I'm sorry, Jimin, for making fun of your height all the time that I get the chance. Your size is actually normal," Jimin sighed in annoyance.

"I'm so terribly sorry, Joonie, for making fun of your looks, the way you move, the way you laugh, the way you live your life, the way you work to let us live. You deserve the world for the kindness that he showed me. I'm so sorry for anything that happens to you," Taehyung held his hands for Namjoon to take but he never did. Namjoon didn't want to hear that apology.

"I know that it was all just jokes. I laughed with you," Namjoon patted Taehyung's back. Taehyung's head lowered in guilt.

Seokjin didn't dare to say anything. He felt it as well. He knew why Taehyung was that way. He felt it as well but he didn't know what it was. He was shaking as he stayed in the darkness. As the six were talking, Seokjin stayed away.

Seokjin looked down at his palms. He didn't know what has gotten to him, he was going insane. He needed to do something in order to get rid of the fear that he was feeling. His shaking never stopped, just got worse. He stayed put, he didn't let it out like Taehyung did.

It was Taehyung's turn to feel good. He was selfish the other times. He left himself forgotten at the back so their attention was on him. This was his apology to him.

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