capítulo de bonificación ocho

227 16 4

October 23rd, 2025 6:45 am

The atmosphere this morning wasn't pleasant. It felt dark and depressed. It was cloudy outside and the wind was really harsh that day. The boys had to stay inside that day because they were scared of getting blown away.

How ironic.

"So what now? Tae, you woke us up," Jimin asked as he sat on the cold floor with absolutely nothing to do. He would usually go out and play tag with the others or just play pranks on each other but it wasn't the best weather for that.

Taehyung frowned as he though of something to do. Jeongguk was next to Jimin, in the verge of falling asleep but Jimin just lightly patted his head to wake him up. Jeongguk groaned as he woke up once again.

"We can tell scary stories?" Taehyung brought up his pointing finger up as if he had an idea. His cheerful smile was shown but everyone else in the room groaned in tiredness.

"Tae, we're so tired," Hoseok whined as he was laying down on the floor, Yoongi sitting with his legs stretched out next to him. Yoongi nodded, agreeing with the younger.

"It's so early, Taehyung," Yoongi said in his raspy voice. Taehyung ignored him and started to get up.

"Get up everyone! Let's clean the house up!" Taehyung yelled to get everyone's attention. Jeongguk snapped his head upward from the sudden noise with widen eyes.

Jimin just lazily starred up at Taehyung. Hoseok looked at Taehyung with half his eyes being covered up by his eyelid. Yoongi kept his eyes closed but he still heard everything that was going on. Seokjin was the only one that was fully awake, other than Taehyung.

Namjoon was full on asleep on Seokjin's lap. His little snores were heard throughout the whole room, causing Seokjin to giggle a little, "Jin hyung, wake up Joonie," Taehyung demanded as he pointed at the two.

Seokjin shook Namjoon a little to wake him up and he did. Namjoon immediately sat up while wiping away his drool, "I-I'm sorry, Tae. I was just tired."

Taehyung smiled. Jimin was the first to get up to get to cleaning the dump place. He helped Jeongguk to get up because he was too weak as he was just sleeping a bit.

"Come on, hobi. Let's get up," Yoongi rubbed Hoseok's small stomach a little before slowly getting up. Hoseok sighed loudly, getting up as well.

Seokjin and Namjoon got up without saying anything and got to work.

Everyone was lazy at first but the next ten minutes turned to boys having fun. They played as they were cleaning the place up. It wasn't a big place so it was pretty easy. But with all the playing around, the work lasted longer.

8:14 am

"We're all done!" Jimin yelled as he picked up the last piece of clothing off the floor. It wasn't really important but it would make the room cleaner. Everyone cheered as they jumped up and down. They never experienced cleaning up.

Some of them didn't have great parents.

Their parents let them do anything they wanted. All of them knew that that wasn't a really good idea. They knew better to not do bad things, even if your parents didn't say anything about it.

They were surprised that they didn't turn out to be a complete brat. They were all thankful that they didn't turn out that way.

"Jin hyung, we haven't eaten yet!" Jeongguk complained as he rubbed his empty stomach. Seokjin sighed as slowly made his way to the kitchen. He honestly didn't know what to make for the six but it was worth trying.

Namjoon and Yoongi didn't have anything to do so they went with Seokjin to the kitchen. Yoongi sat on the wooden chair as Namjoon was leaning on a counter.

They both looked in their phone to waste time.

It took a long time to plan a meal for the boys to eat. Seokjin placed his pen down after finishing a recipe. Seokjin went into the cabinet to grab his pink apron. He grabbed the pan off the stove and he went to get an egg out of the refrigerator but once he opened it, it was nearly empty. Seokjin sighed as he closed the fridge.

8:23 am

"What are going to eat?" Asked the oldest male as he had his pan in his right hand with an apron. Seokjin paused for a second to realize that he just had deja vu.

He just experienced deja vu and he smiled, ignoring it. Please don't ignore it, Seokjin.

« end of flashbacks »

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