capítulo de bonificación cinco

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October 15th, 2025 9:57 am

"Yoongi hyung, what are you writing?" Hoseok asked, over Yoongi as he was writing something down in his notebook. Hoseok noticed Yoongi's hard thinking and was concerned. Yoongi didn't respond properly, instead with a little hum.

"Yoongi~ please tell me," Hoseok whined as he stomped his foot a little to show his little patience that was left.

Jeongguk laughed, "leave him alone, hobi. He's obviously busy to not worry about my older brother!" Jeongguk yelled to catch Yoongi's attention but the older just rolled his eyes at him. Jeongguk did the same.

"Hoseokie, understand that I'm stressed about getting some good lyrics for my new song," Yoongi finally said to the middle aged man in the room, Hoseok. Hoseok just sighed.

"Some simple lyrics that are understandable are better sometimes. Too complicated will not attract many people to enjoy your music. Just live your life and you'll get a lyric in no time," Hoseok said to Yoongi in a professional voice. He sounded like he knew what everyone in the world wanted. Yoongi's gummy smile was shown as he though of Hoseok's words.

"That's it! Hoseokie, give me a sticky note," Yoongi asked, thinking of a good lyric in his head. Hoseok's little dimple was shown as he ran around to find one.

Hoseok gave Yoongi a sticky note and Yoongi immediately wrote something down. Once he was done, he showed it to Hoseok. "It's it nice?"

Hoseok smiled deeply as he read the words that Yoongi wrote down, "You don't realize things are special to you once you lose it.' That's a new lyric I wrote for my new song!"

"It's beautiful, Yoongi hyung."

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