capítulo de bonificación tres

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Namjoon walked around to find some entertainment. He was by himself with nothing to waste his time. He was hungry but he had no money.

Namjoon was walking around an alley to find any dumpster. He had his luck with food back then in a dumpster, though it was disgusting, he needed to eat to survive.

Namjoon was still a minor so he needed to make sure he was safe in an alley.

"Hello?" Namjoon's high pitched voice said. He wasn't so scared because he was used to being in a place like an alley. Once he heard nothing, he went in to find his daily trash.

Namjoon lips formed as a smile as he skipped around the smelly and horrible looking place.

Soon that grin on his face was wiped away when he saw a baby crib near the dumpster he usually goes to. Namjoon took caution because there could be anything in there.

Namjoon used his tippy toes to get near the baby crib. He was startled when he suddenly heard a muffled baby cry. There's a baby in there, Namjoon thought.

The baby was completely covered by blankets so Namjoon couldn't see the face or the size.

The baby crib was so worn out and the mattress was so old. There were so many holes and flys flying over the wooden bed. Namjoon flew his hands around the crib to get rid of the flys but they kept coming back.

Namjoon didn't want to leave the baby to die so he gently grabbed the baby off the bed with the blankets over the baby.

Namjoon placed the baby on the floor where he had a better view to see what he was dealing with. Namjoon got rid of the blanket that was suffocating the baby. Breathing under a blanket was hard once you stay under it for a long time, Namjoon knew.

Once Namjoon got rid of it, he cooed at the baby when he saw how cute he was. Namjoon saw that the baby had very thin clothes on so he wrapped the baby with the blankets.

When Namjoon was done wrapping, he saw a folded up paper next to the blankets and he opened it to read, "dear anyone that finds this little one, I'm so sorry. I'm currently unavailable to take care of him because of money problems and I also want to get a career but I can't when I have a child on my hands. Please just take him to an adoption center or keep him, just please don't report him. I have a life to fulfill and a baby is not going to take that away from me. I'm so sorry, Jeon Jeongguk," The note was ended.

Namjoon took a glance at the baby and his dimples popped out, "well, if mommy can't keep you, then I will," Namjoon carefully took hold of the baby and he carried him to a special place that belonged to Namjoon.

"I'm taking you to my home, okay?" Namjoon stopped smiling and turned around again. He saw the letter on the ground. He had an argument with himself in his head whether or not to to keep the letter or to leave it.

Namjoon went back and picked up the letter. He decided that he will show it to his child when he grew up.

"Here, you'll have a piece of your mommy," Namjoon proceeded to take the baby to his home.

"My child."

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