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Taehyung was on his bed. His mind kept repeating everything that the doctor told him just a few minutes ago. "Seokjin came out of the surgery room completely fine. The surgery went fine."

The next part terrified him so much, "you'll be released the next day so don't worry."

Taehyung was extremely scared about going out. He didn't want to get of the only place with the other piece of him was here. Seokjin was still here and he was leaving. He wanted to leave with him not by himself.

Taehyung learned to speak again but his voice was a bit raspy. The doctor told him that it was better than nothing.

Taehyung looked through the window next to him and he wanted to sob. It was so different without them there with him. He still remembered the day they found him. The first day where he thought that someone loved him.

"Joonie! Come here!" Little Jeongguk called out for Namjoon. Jeongguk was only thirteen at the time so his voice was still a bit high pitched.

Namjoon quickly went to Jeongguk's side to see what he was talking about and he was shocked as to what he saw. When Namjoon came, he was holding Hoseok hand and Seokjin was behind them.

Taehyung lifted his head to see them. As well as the other that was threatening him.

"Hey! Get away from him!" Namjoon yelled as he let go of Hoseok's hand. He went in front of Taehyung to protect.

Hoseok held Jeongguk close to him as the three were watching from a distance.

Namjoon pushed the man away from Taehyung. Taehyung just looked as they used violence.

The man ran away after a few punches that Taehyung didn't see. Taehyung didn't want to see the man that saved him.

"Hey, don't worry. The man is away now, please look at me," Namjoon crouched down to Taehyung's level and he tried to see the boy's face.

"How old are you?" Namjoon asked.

"F-fifteen," Taehyung managed to say to the older man.

After a while of talking or mumbling, Namjoon got up and took Taehyung's wrist to make him stand up. Taehyung stood up but he stopped once Namjoon tried to lead him away from the spot.

Namjoon looked behind, confused. As well as the other three.

"Y-Y-Yoongi's still out," Taehyung stuttered as he looked behind him if Yoongi made it back. He didn't make it back and he frowned.

"Who is Yoongi?" Asked Namjoon, keeping the grip on Taehyung's wrist tight.

"Y-Yoongi is my s-step-brother. He went to get s-some food," Taehyung stood still, waiting for Yoongi.

"When is he coming?" Namjoon asked impatiently.

"I d-don't know. He would u-usually be here by time," Taehyung was about to break down. He couldn't handed the anxiety he was feeling when his step brother was not coming.

"Maybe he's coming. Just wait, Joonie," Hoseok said, patting Namjoon's back.

"I'll be right back. You three, watch him," Namjoon assigned the boys to watch Taehyung as he went to check for the brother that was missing. The worrying part was that the man was running away through this path.

"I'm coming with him. Jin hyung And Kookie, watch him okay?" Hoseok let go of Jeongguk and handed him to Seokjin while he ran toward Namjoon who was already gone.

Namjoon heard footsteps behind him and he was alarmed. He turned around immediately to defend himself but he only saw his child.

"What are doing here?!" Namjoon whispered/ yelled at Hoseok.

"I'm coming."

Namjoon and Hoseok stopped walking. They saw a boy in a very bad condition on the ground. He boy looked up in pain. He immediately went toward the bag of food and he guarded it with his life.

"Are you Yoongi?" Asked Namjoon. Hoseok just kept starring, he was frozen.

The boy on the floor nodded and that was all that took for Namjoon to crouch again.

"We found Taehyung and we saved him from some sort of man and once we were taking him to a safe area, he mentioned you and didn't come," Namjoon softly said to gain the boys trust. The boy slowly feel limp. He was non-responsive and Namjoon knew that he passed out.

Namjoon sighed as he tried to turn the boy to try to carry him but Hoseok stopped him.

"I'll carry him, Joonie," Hoseok crouched down and he easily picked up the poor boy. Hoseok starred at the face and he was memorized. He was snapped out of fantasy when Namjoon snapped his fingers. He was already headed of him so Hoseok rushed to keep up with Namjoon.

"Slow down," Namjoon turned around and Hoseok slowed, embarrassment.

Taehyung faced away from the window. He used his hand to clean his eyes from emotional water. Taehyung looked at the clock in the room and it was already 4:37 pm. Taehyung laying himself to bed, it's not like he would get a visitor.

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