xxiv| Reconcilio

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"When we're in the darkness, only the blind can see."

viginti quattuor

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viginti quattuor.


Cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity.



I took in the bright blue sky, squinting as I looked up and impatiently waited for someone to open the door, struggling to balance holding what I was. It took three more rings at the doorbell before someone opened the house door, Tyler's messy hair and tired face appearing as the door swung open.

"Annalise, it's 7:30 on a Sunday morning, why are you here? Why are you even awake?" Tyler's voice was groggy and deep with sleep.

"Don't you start work in an hour?" I questioned in disbelief.

"An hour and a half which means I could've slept for a little longer," he corrected, moving out of the doorway and allowing me to step in. He closed the door behind me and looked at the three cups of coffee in my hand. "Please tell me one is for me," he begged.

"Two of them are black coffees. Knock yourself out," I smiled. "Congratulations on the engagement."

Tyler placed a soft grin on his face as he took an unmarked cup from the cup holder, kissing my head as he did so, "thank you - for the coffee too."

"It's the least I could do for waking you up. Why didn't Chase open the door?" I asked, my arms feeling tired after holding three drinks for so long.

Tyler noticed my discomfort, grabbing the holder with the two remaining drinks in one hand, his own drink in the other. "Sleeping," he explained, "nothing wakes that kid."

"I bet I can wake him," I muttered, nothing specifically in mind as I reached for the drinks again.

Tyler moved the drinks, barely out of my reach, before I could actually hold them, "nothing happens when mum and I are in the house, especially not at seven in the morning. Okay?" He questioned sternly.

I looked at him in exasperation, "I meant pour water on him or something, damn."

He smirked, "I know, but it's fun to watch you blush."

"You and your brother are the same person, I swear," I groaned, this time successfully grabbing the cup holder and jogging up their stairs in order to get to Chase's bedroom.

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